Rosalie Lin 2010,3,4. P.45 Why do you think the $100 bill was changed? What differences can you see between the two bills?


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Presentation transcript:

Rosalie Lin 2010,3,4

P.45 Why do you think the $100 bill was changed? What differences can you see between the two bills?

1. 洪宗聖, 沈 樺, 楊曉帆, 吳淑慧, 沈怡君, 黃玟瑄, 洪欣彤, 李季軒 2. 朴利瑟, 趙翠韻, 王亭琪, 周文揚, 陳鈺婷, 黃筱晴, 李姵諪 3. 趙娿螺, 林孟儒, 關曉雯, 彭玉婷, 黃紹瑜, 黃智敏, 袁維廷 4. 林智英, 林佳嬅, 莊迪涵, 郭慧芸, 邱雅柔, 謝婕縈, 楊怡蕙, 5. 金志恩, 蔡佳眉, 黃惠俞, 熊家瑞, 廖莞惠, 黃愛婷, 郭三德, 辛函燁 6. 李惠善, 郭 嘉, 林幸坪, 吳苾芳, 張邑如, 莊蕙瑜, 江孟璇, 黃品淳

P.46 Discussion 6 Actions Action 1 Presenter: 沈 樺

Action 2 presenter: 趙翠韻

Action 3 presenter: 林孟儒

Action 4 presenter: 林佳嬅

Action 5 presenter: 蔡佳眉

Action 6 presenter: 郭 嘉

P.47 Read the story. Try not to look for the answer at the back.

P.48 Answer the questions. 1. What did the New York City sanitation workers find? Money/ Fake money/ Money that was not real…

P.48 Answer the questions. 2. Who threw out all that money? People who copied the money / Counterfeiters People who copied the money / Counterfeiters

P. 48 Read the story with the vocabulary words filled in. Paragraph 1: 楊曉帆

Paragraph 2: 王亭琪

Paragraph 3: 關曉雯

Paragraph 4: 莊迪涵

P.48 Write the definition of these ten word. 1. bills: pieces of paper money 2. fake: not real 3. counterfeiters: people who make money that is not real 4. Technologies: ways to make things, usually with some kind of machine 5. scanners: machines that copy papers into computers

6. equipment: machines 7. ink: colored liquid used for printing and writing 8. illegal: against the law 9. prevent: to stop something before it happens 10. completely: entirely

P. 50 Making Money Paragraph 1: 黃惠俞

Paragraph 2: 林幸坪

Paragraph 3: 江孟璇

Paragraph 4: 吳淑慧

Paragraph 5 : 周文揚

Paragraph 6: 彭玉婷

Ulysses S. Grant (the 18th President of the United States from 1869 to 1877)

This picture shows a zoomed-in view of microprinting technology.

10,000 KRW (green), 5,000 KRW (brown) and 1,000 KRW (pink). Korean coins: 500 KRW, 100 KRW, 50 KRW, and 10 KRW.

Counterfeit Money Store Video Shows Woman Passing Fake Money Identify Counterfeit Money Just For Laughs - Counterfeit Money

Rosalie Lin 2010,3,11

Read p.50 Discuss the following questions: 1.Does counterfeiting hurt everyone? Why or why not? 2. What are the main differences between counterfeiting today and in the past?

Discuss the following questions: 1.Does counterfeiting hurt everyone? Why or why not? 2. What are the main differences between counterfeiting today and in the past? 3. What are some of the measures that the Bureau of Engraving and Printing uses to make counterfeiting more difficult? 4. What would you do if you saw someone copying money on a color copier?

Q1 presenter: Lara & Nicole

Q2 presenter: Sandy & Ruby

Q3 presenter: Erin & Jessica

Q4 presenter: Linda & Anna

Getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar.

P. 62 English-the easy way Let’s have some fun! Homework: p.63 and 64 Jerry Maguire - "Show me the money" sequence