THEOREM OF PYTHAGORAS AND VOLUME REVIEW LESSON. WARM UP A rectangular TV screen has a diagonal measurement of 13 inches and a width of 5 inches. Wha tis.


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Presentation transcript:


WARM UP A rectangular TV screen has a diagonal measurement of 13 inches and a width of 5 inches. Wha tis the length of the TV screen? V = 1354 cm³ Find the radius of the sphere. A 50 foot wire runs from the top of a cell phone tower to the ground 25 feet from the base of the tower. Approximately how tall is the cell tower? The volume of a cube is 125 cubic centimeters. How many centimeters long is each edge of the cube?

Before we begin……. Write out the formula for the following: Theorem of Pythagoras Theorem of Pythagoras when using a 3D shape Volume of a prism Volume of a cylinder Volume of a cone Volume of a sphere

Which expression can be used to find the length of the third side of the triangle below? = 20 = 15

A spear of 10.8 cm is inserted in a wooden box as shown. What is the approximate width of the base? A. 4 B. 5 C. 15 D. 14 = ? = 6 = 8

Right triangle ABC has an area of 40 cm². Segment AB has a length of 10 cm, and segment AC is the hypotenuse. What is the distance between point A and point C? Draw a diagram to help you solve this problem. Write out the formula for area of a triangle. What do you do now?

A family must buy water to fill their swimming pool. The pool is shaped like a cylinder with a diameter of 10 feet and a height of 2.5 feet. The water delivery company charges $1.25 for each cubic feet of water. About how much will the family have to pay for the water? A.$981 B.$785 C.$96 D.$245

Triangle ABC has vertices A(4, 3), B(4, -6) and C(6, -6). What is the approximate length of AC? A.9.1 B.9.2 C.8.5 D.2

A Munchkin hole is a sphere-shaped cake. There are 25 students in the class. Each Munchkin hole has a diameter of 2.5 inches. If everyone in the class eats their Munchkin hole, how much cake will be consume?

Which set of measurements could be the side lengths of a right triangle? A. 3, 4, 8 B. 9, 12, 15 C. 16, 30, 32 D. 8, 10, 12

The side length of a square is 25 cm each. What is the approximate length of the diagonal of the square?

It’s time to play Kahoot. Get your chrome book from the chrome book cart. Log on to Enter the code that appears on the screen. Make sure you have your calculator and pencil and paper. Are you ready to begin?