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Volume of Prisms Monday, May 18, 2015 We are learning to…find the volume of rectangular and triangular prisms.

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Presentation on theme: "Volume of Prisms Monday, May 18, 2015 We are learning to…find the volume of rectangular and triangular prisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volume of Prisms Monday, May 18, 2015 We are learning to…find the volume of rectangular and triangular prisms.

2 Volume of Prisms Volume – The amount of space inside a 3 dimensional figure.  Volume is measured in cubic units

3 Volume of Prisms With your cubic centimeters make a shape that has….  length = 3 cubes, width = 4 cubes, height = 1 cube …what is the volume?  length = 3 cubes, width = 4 cubes, height = 2 cubes …what is the volume?  length = 3 cubes, width = 4 cubes, height = 4 cubes …what is the volume? How is the “area of the base” and “height” related to the volume of the object?  To find the volume multiply the area of the base (bottom row) by the height. Think of the height as adding on another layer of the base to the prism. 12 cubes 24 cubes 48 cubes

4 Volume of Prisms Formula for the area of a prism:  (Area of the base) (height of the prism)  or V = Bh

5 Find the volume of the rectangular prisms below: 5 ft 2 ft 3 ft 7 cm 16 cm 3 cm V = Bh V = (10)(3) V = 30 cubic feet V = Bh V = (21)(16) V = 336 cubic cm

6 Volume of Prisms You find the volume of a triangular prism by:  Multiplying the Area of the base by the height of the prism or V = Bh The “BASE” of a triangular prism is the triangles.  The base of any prism is the side that repeats.  Hint: Prisms are named by their bases.  The base is not always the bottom side of the prism. The “HEIGHT” of a triangle prism is the distance between the two bases (which are triangles). Label the height of the triangular prism. Shade in and label the base of the triangular prism. BASE HEIGHT

7 Find the volume of the triangular prisms below: 15 in 20 in 3 in 25 in 12 in 10 in 11 in 13 in V = Bh V = (½)(15)(20)(3) V = 450 cubic inches V = Bh V = (½)(10)(12)(11) V = 660 cubic inches

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