Police Operations Patrol Function Categories  Crime prevention - pro-active deterrence  Law Enforcement - reactive deterrence  Order Maintenance -


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Presentation transcript:

Police Operations

Patrol Function Categories  Crime prevention - pro-active deterrence  Law Enforcement - reactive deterrence  Order Maintenance - security  Social Services - community welfare

Patrol as a function  Constant Movement  Prevent/deter crime  Eliminate opportunity for crime

Patrol Activities and Purposes  Crime Detection and Prevention  Apprehension of Criminals & Wanted Suspects  Data & Information Collection  Report Writing & Documentation  Public Assistance  Peace Keeping and Order Maintenance  Conflict Resolution  Traffic Control and Enforcement  Parking Enforcement  Law Enforcement Reduce Citizens’ Fear of Crime  Detect and Enforce Code and Safety Violations  Rapid Responses to Emergencies  Public Relations  Police Visibility  Property Protection

 Foot Patrol  Motorcycle Patrol  Motorized Patrol  Bike Patrol  Horse Patrol  Aircraft Patrol  Watercraft Patrol  Routine Patrol  Directed Patrol  D-Runs  Saturation Patrol  Split Force  Suspect-Oriented Patrol Method of Patrol Techniques of Patrol

PATROL SUPERVISION  Hands on - supervisor involved in day to day activities  Command - supervisor shows up at incident sites and gives orders  Counsel - supervisor available and when requested shows up at incident sites

Traffic Enforcement Traffic Enforcement  Issue Traffic Citations  Issue Parking Citations  Investigate Traffic Accidents  Arrest Drunk Drivers  Enforce Seatbelt Laws  Direct Traffic  Insure Safety of Public  Reduce Accidents and Injuries  Collect Information  Make Criminal Arrests  Enforce Laws  Facilitate Traffic Flow Activities Purposes

Purposes of Criminal Investigation  Determine whether or not a crime has been committed.  Decide if the crime was committed within the investigator’s jurisdiction.  Discover all facts pertaining to the complaint.  Gather and preserve physical evidence.  Identify the perpetrator.  Develop and follow up all clues.  Locate and apprehend the perpetrator.  Aid in the prosecution of the offender by providing evidence of guilt that is admissible in court.  Testify effectively as a witness in court.  Recover stolen property.

Specialized Units and Operations  Special Weapons & Tactics  Vice & Drugs  K-9  Organized Crime  Community Services  Crime analysis  Domestic Violence  Sex Crimes  Internal Affairs  Crime Prevention  Juvenile & School Service  Intelligence