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Chapter 6 Patrol and Traffic

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6 Patrol and Traffic"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6 Patrol and Traffic

2 Introduction Patrol: Realities, Types, Methods, Systems of Deployment and Effectiveness Response Time Kansas City Patrol Experiment Role of Patrol in Contemporary Policing Traffic: Role and Dangers

3 Realities of Patrol Use of time by officers Productivity measures
Responding to crime (20%) 2/3 of time “unassigned” Most time spent gathering information Productivity measures Response time External authorizing environmental stakeholders

4 The Patrol Function Objectives
Protection and defense of lives and property Repression of criminal and delinquent behavior Identification, apprehension, and conviction of offenders Traffic flow and collision reduction Maintenance of order and public safety

5 The Patrol Function—Types
Information gathering Conflict resolution Maintenance/Restoration of control

6 Types of Patrols Random or Routine Patrol Directed Patrol
Aggressive Patrol Saturation Patrol

7 Effectiveness of Patrols
Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment Reactive Beats Control Beats Proactive Beats No significant difference among types Groundbreaking study, findings questioned

8 Patrol Methods Automobile Patrol Foot Patrol One Officer Two Officer
Community Policing Newark Foot Patrol Experiment

9 Patrol Methods (con’t.)
Motorcycle and Bicycle Patrols Horse Patrol Water and Helicopter Patrols

10 Patrol Deployment Rotating vs. Assigned Shifts
Time of Day and Shift Hours 7 AM to 3 PM (watch) 3 PM to 11:30 PM (swing watch) 11:00 PM to 7 AM (dog watch) 8 vs. 12 Hour Watches Fatigue and Circadian Rhythms

11 Patrol Deployment (con’t.)
Allocating Personnel Foot Patrol vs. Automobile Assignments Integrated Patrol 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act

12 Traffic Goals and Enforcement
Functions Elimination of accident causes and congestion Identification of problems and hazards Regulation of street and municipal parking Investigation of accidents Directing public awareness Arresting offenders

13 Traffic Goals and Enforcement
Dangers of Traffic Stops Routine Stops High-Risk Stops Automated Traffic Enforcement System based on cameras Motion detectors Monitor traffic flow

14 Reflections On Chapter Six
1. Explain the significance of the Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment to policing. How did it help shift policing from reactive to proactive strategies? 2. What productivity measures should be used to evaluate the effectiveness of patrol officers? 3. How can a patrol officer’s job be affected by issues of linkage blindness within the department? 4. Explain the role of foot patrol in community policing. What other patrol deployment and shift-structure decisions should a department wishing to implement community policing consider?

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