Fig ovaries The ovaries & uterus are held in place by ligaments in the pelvic cavity Female reproductive system
Ovaries –ligaments support and stabilize Uterine tubes Uterus –enclosed within broad ligament Vagina External genitalia The Female Reproductive System
Held in position by ovarian ligament and suspensory ligament Ovarian artery and vein enter at ovarian hilum Covered by tunica albuginea The Ovaries
Ovary Histology Nice images also at Blue histology You tube shotgun histology
Ovarian cycle Occurs monthly in ovarian follicles Primordial follicles develop into primary follicles Theca granulose cells surround oocyte –Release estrogens, estradiol Follicular fluid encourages growth of secondary follicles One mature Graffian follicle develops Primary oocyte undergoes meiosis producing secondary oocyte Ovulation –Secondary oocyte surrounded by corona radiata released Menstural Cycle
Fig 27.11
2-primary follicle 5-oocyte Mature follicle
Fimbriae Infundibulum Ampulla Isthmus Uterine (Fallopian) Tubes
Mechanical protection and nutritional support to developing embryo Bends anteriorly (anteflexion) Stabilized by broad, uterosacral, round, and lateral ligaments Uterus
Compare cycles
Menstrual Cycle
If fertilization does occur
Sperm count range from 20 – 100 million sperm per cubic mL
Chorion - villi Amnion Chorionic gonadotropin HCG
772 in text book
Epidural shot
Amniocentesis and CVS Health Videos