Welcome to London!.


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LONDON London is the capital of Great Britain. It is the largest city in Europe and one of the largest cities in the world. London in the world. London.
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Подготовила: Джалилова Вусала
Автор: Бондарь Ольга Александровна
Welcome to London!.
Welcome to London!.
Task 1. Read and translate the text. Task 2
Great Britain. London..
London is the capital of the United Kingdom, its economic, political and cultural center. It is one of the world's most important ports and one of the.
Presentation transcript:

Welcome to London!

Palace of Westminster-building on the banks of the Thames in the London area. Meetings are held in Westminster, where the British Parliament. Connects to the Trafalgar Square Whitehall Street.

Drawbridge in Central London over the River Thames, close to the Tower of London. Opened in 1894. Is also one of the symbols of London and Britain.

City Hall

The project was completed in 1998, the construction of the building took about 5 years and cost 65 million pounds. Building in London, serving as a residence for the greater London Authority.

Big Ben

The biggest name of the six bells of Westminster Palace in London, is a title often relate to hours and the clock tower, which from September 2012, officially called the "Tower of the Queen Elizabeth».

Hampton Court

The former country residence of English Kings, located on the banks of the Thames.

Buckingham Palace

The official London residence of British monarchs The official London residence of British monarchs. Currently, the Palace has 775 rooms. The Palace has a swimming pool, a post office, as well as its own cinema. For two months the Queen leaves Buckingham Palace. In these months the State rooms of the Palace are open to visitors.

Trafalgar Square

Square in Central London, where the first three consisted of street, Westminster, Strand, Whitehall and the Mall

Над презентацией работала: Ученица 10 «А» класса МБОУ СОШ №8 Игнатенко Оля 2012-2013 уч. год

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