The theme: Second conditional The aims: - to illustrate grammar material; - to develop thinking and speech habits; - to arouse students’ interest in using.


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Presentation transcript:

The theme: Second conditional The aims: - to illustrate grammar material; - to develop thinking and speech habits; - to arouse students’ interest in using the material.

The procedure of the lesson: 1- Organization moment 2- Warm-up 3- Checking up the home task 4- Focus on grammar 5- Reading 6- Grammar material 7- Writing 8- Home task 9- Conclusion

Assel needs a dictionary.

First Conditional Future Simple+ if + Present Simple I will go if I have time. The First Conditional expresses a possible situation and its result. First Conditional Future Simple+ if + Present Simple I will go if I have time. The First Conditional expresses a possible situation and its result.

Read about Bolat how he describes his life and dream. Bolat I live in a small flat with my parents and a sister. My father is a teacher. He doesn’t earn much. My mother is a housewife. She can’t find any job. I have a granny who looks after us. My sister and I go to ordinary school. We usually get there by bus. At school we wear uniform. At home we have a small cat “Blacky”. My life is boring. Bolat I live in a small flat with my parents and a sister. My father is a teacher. He doesn’t earn much. My mother is a housewife. She can’t find any job. I have a granny who looks after us. My sister and I go to ordinary school. We usually get there by bus. At school we wear uniform. At home we have a small cat “Blacky”. My life is boring. His dream If my father were a millionaire we would live in a big house. My father would earn much money. My mother would have an interesting job. My sister and I wouldn’t go to an ordinary school. We would go to a private school, where we wouldn’t wear a uniform. We would wear fashionable clothes. My granny would travel all over the world. We would have “gold fish” at home. My life would be interesting.

Second Conditional The Second Conditional expresses an unreal situation and its result. Second Conditional The Second Conditional expresses an unreal situation and its result. If I had much money, I would travel all over the world. = the condition = impossible and unreal The result

Remember ! In the Second Conditional the past tense of be is were. For all persons: If I were… If you were… If he\she\it were… Was is also possible. Remember ! In the Second Conditional the past tense of be is were. For all persons: If I were… If you were… If he\she\it were… Was is also possible.

Ask and answer the questions about Bolat. Ask and answer the questions about Bolat. Example: He\live\in a small\ flat? Would he live in a small flat? No, he wouldn’t. He would live in a big house. A. his mother /stay/at home? B. he and his sister/go to/ordinary school? C. he and his sister /wear/uniform? D. his granny/look/after them? C.His life/be/boring?

TALK TO YOUR PARTNER. If you had a chance to study abroad. A. Which country would you go? B. What subjects would you study? C. What things would you have to do before you leave? D. What things would you need to take with you? E. What kind of things would you have to buy? F. Would you stay at a hostel or with a family? Why? G. What problems would you have? H. How would you keep on touch with your parents?