Welcome to… American History 8!!! Your Host: Mr. Kristopher J. Wazaney, BA.Ed
The “Tiger” Team CAPABLE WILLING It’s not what you’re CAPABLE of… it’s what you’re WILLING to do!!!” Everyone Succeeds NO EXCEPTIONS NO EXCUSES
Contact Me!?! the easiest and fastest way to get a response; please use this as your primary contact method. nc.us Please… Both child and parent must sign up for Remind101 Each teacher will have an account that both child and 1 parent must sign up for!!! –Directions on back of Team Letter
Homeroom Supplies Please bring in the following supplies for your Homeroom Teacher ONLY!!! Hand Sanitizer Dry-Erase Markers Dry-Erase Erasers Disinfectant Wipes 1 Box of Tissues 1 Pack of White Copy Paper
Agenda Planners School Agenda’s R MANDATORY!!! They are your passes and behavior card!!! They can be purchased the 1 st week of school for $8.00
REQUIRED MATERIALS These items will be used specifically and exclusively for this class unless otherwise noted with a “*” 5 Subject Spiral Notebook preferably with a plastic cover Glue Sticks the more the better!!! Colored Pencils* Pencils ONLY!!! preferably mechanical Index Cards 3” x 2.5” are preferred
Summer Ends Sunday… See You Then!!!