C-P LUS P ROJECT W ORLD - CLASS C LUSTERS IN C ENTRAL E UROPE Arno Hollosi FH CAMPUS 02 Scientific Board meeting 18 th October 2011 Sárvár, Hungary
Part of WP4 Original timeline for outputs Technical definition (4.4.1): September 2011 Involvement of companies (4.4.2): September 2011 Production (4.4.3): November 2011 Meetings for videotaping (4.4.4): November 2011 Timeline goal Complete videos by April 2012 at the latest
W HAT WILL BE PRODUCED ? Two videos per PP (= one video per cluster) featuring at least 5 companies or other cluster actors (e.g. service centres, universities, policy makers) Average length of each video: minutes
M ESSAGE OF THE V IDEOS Tell the story of the cluster and the companies Focus on C-Plus core messages according to communication plan Portrait cluster/companies in a positive light Highlight identified best practices
S TRUCTURE OF THE V IDEOS Opening titles/credits. Short portrait of the cluster, region, and sector Presentation of 5 companies Intertwining preferred (instead of sequential presentation) Pick an overarching theme (one of C-Plus’ core messages) Summary maybe back to cluster or cluster management Closing titles/credits
V ISUAL S TYLE AND L ANGUAGE Style should be the same for every video CAMPUS 02 will provide Production ready templates for opening / closing Guidelines for style (e.g. font and colour for captions etc.) Videos are produced in local language since the main target audience is within the region/nation English subtitles must be provided
R ECOMMENDATIONS Start tender/search for video production now! Budget may be unexpectedly high CAMPUS had offers ranging from ,-€ to ,-€ Start selecting companies Based on best practices/impression during benchmarking interviews Together with cluster management Make appointments early to keep the deadline
Part of WP4 Original timeline for outputs Identification of innovation leaders (4.3.2): September 2011 Register of innovation leaders (4.3.3): September 2011 Multilingual register (4.3.4): September 2011 Timeline goal Identification (4.3.2): November 2011 Register (4.3.3): January 2012 Multilingual register (4.3.5): April 2012 PPs have to deliver by March 2012
W HAT WILL BE PRODUCED ? Identification (4.3.2) One list of innovation leaders per PP Register (4.3.3) Basically a combination of output Will be published on website Contains name and basic facts about companies Multilingual register (4.3.4) Glossy, high quality brochure Estimated to have pages
B ASIC S TRUCTURE Opening remarks Description of C-Plus Global benchmarking results and highlights For each country Introduction by PP Cluster management 2-4 organizations per cluster End: contact details of all partners
I NFORMATION ON C OMPANIES Short information about the company/actor activity, operative headquarters, website, number of employees, turnover, geographical markets Visuals Logo and 2-4 pictures Company slogan (distinctive feature) Description of company and its best practices about 1000 to 1500 characters (including spaces)
T ASKS FOR EACH PP Provide basic facts about companies Provide English text Please let a professional do the proof-reading Provide logo and pictures in print quality min. 300dpi Translate final register into local language Optionally print & publish brochure
R ECOMMENDATIONS Compile list of innovation leaders soon Start collection of data and visuals Ensure that logos and pictures are of good quality Write text yourself Results in coherent style Possibility to focus on C-Plus’ core messages Get OK from company Start early – collecting/writing is time intensive