Identify the abnormality


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Presentation transcript:

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 1 Associated teeth are vital A. Periapical cemento-osseous dysplasia B. Osteosclerosis C. Rarefying osteitis D. Sclerosing osteitis

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 2 Identify the abnormality A. Rarefying osteitis B. Malignancy C. Odontogenic cyst D. Osteomyelitis

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 3 Identify the abnormality A. Rarefying osteitis B. Sclerosing osteitis C. Osteosclerosis D. Osteomyelitis

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 4 Identify the abnormality A. Osteoma B. Sclerosing osteitis C. Osteosclerosis D. Osteomyelitis

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 5 Identify the abnormality A. Sclerosing osteitis B. Osteosclerosis C. Odontoma

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 6 Identify the abnormality A. Normal trabecular bone B. Fibrous dysplasia C. Sclerosing osteitis D. Osteosclerosis

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 7 Identify the abnormality A. Enostosis B. Exostosis C. Osteosclerosis D. Sclerosing osteitis

Identify the radiopaque entity QUESTION 8 Identify the radiopaque entity A. Midpalatine suture B. Floor of the nose C. Floor of the maxillary sinus D. Nasal septum

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 9 Identify the abnormality A. Ameloblastoma B. Dentigerous cyst C. Odontoma D. Radicular cyst

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 10 Identify the abnormality A. Central giant cell lesion B. Peripheral giant cell granuloma C. Odontogenic fibroma D. Odontogenic myxoma

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 11 Identify the abnormality 10 years old male A. Dentigerous cyst B. Odontogenic keratocyst C. Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor D. Odontogenic myxoma

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 12 Identify the abnormality 1. Central giant cell lesion 2. Odontogenic myxoma 3. Radicular cyst 4. Ameloblastoma 1, 2 &4 1, 2, 3 &4 1 & 2 only 3 &4 only

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 13 Identify the abnormality A. Osteosclerosis B. Cementoblastoma C. Sclerosing osteitis D. Enostosis

Identify the entity A. Hamular process of lateral pterygoid plate QUESTION 14 Identify the entity A. Hamular process of lateral pterygoid plate B. Hamular process of medial pterygoid plate C. Maxillary tuberosity D. Lateral pterygoid plate

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 15 Identify the abnormality A. Normal trabecular bone B. Fibrous dysplasia C. Sclerosing osteitis D. Osteosclerosis

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 16 Identify the abnormality A. Lateral periodontal cyst B. Radicular cyst C. OKC D. Dentigerous cyst

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 17 Identify the abnormality A. Radicular cyst B. Ameloblastoma C. Periodontal cyst D. Trauma

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 18 Identify the abnormality A. Malignancy B. Lateral periodontal cyst C. Dentigerous cyst D. Rarefying osteitis

Identify the entity A. Floor of the nose QUESTION 19 Identify the entity A. Floor of the nose B. Floor of the maxillary sinus C. OKC D. Residual cyst

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 20 Identify the abnormality A. Complex odontoma B. Compound odontoma C. Osteoma D. Enostosis

Identify the Radiopaque entity QUESTION 21 Identify the Radiopaque entity A. Middle nasal conchae B. Inferior nasal conchae C. Inferior meatus D. Middle meatus

Identify the entity A. External oblique ridge QUESTION 22 Identify the entity A. External oblique ridge B. Submandibular salivary gland fossa C. Inferior alveolar nerve canal D. Submandibular gland

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 23 Identify the abnormality A. Hypercementosis B. Cementoblastoma C. Sclerosing osteitis D. Enostosis

Identify the entity A. External oblique ridge B. Mylohyoid ridge QUESTION 24 Identify the entity A. External oblique ridge B. Mylohyoid ridge C. Superior border of inferior alveolar nerve canal

Identify the entity A. Stafne bone defect B. Dentigerous cyst QUESTION 25 Identify the entity A. Stafne bone defect B. Dentigerous cyst C. Odontogenic keratocyst D. Radicular cyst

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 26 Identify the abnormality A. Hamular process of lateral pterygoid plate B. Incisive canal cyst C. Odontoma D. Osteoblastoma

Localize the radiopaque entity QUESTION 27 Localize the radiopaque entity A. Buccal B. Lingual

Identify the abnormality QUESTION 28 Identify the abnormality A. Periapical cemento-osseous dysplasia B. Osteosclerosis C. Rarefying osteitis D. Sclerosing osteitis