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Normal Anatomical Landmarks. Anterior Maxilla Nasal fossa Nasal septum Anterior nasal spine Nasal cartilage Inferior conche Median palatine suture.

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Presentation on theme: "Normal Anatomical Landmarks. Anterior Maxilla Nasal fossa Nasal septum Anterior nasal spine Nasal cartilage Inferior conche Median palatine suture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Normal Anatomical Landmarks

2 Anterior Maxilla Nasal fossa Nasal septum Anterior nasal spine Nasal cartilage Inferior conche Median palatine suture

3 Intraoral Radiographs : Case 1 Maxillary Centrals: 1 = Anterior nasal spine 2 = Right lateral wall of nasopalatine canal 3 = Mid palatal suture 4 = Inf. Floor of nasal fossa (cavity) 5 = Nasopalatine foramen 6 = Shadow of the soft tissue of the nose 7 = Alveolar crest Stuart C. White, DDS, PhD., UCLA School of Dentistry Normal Radiographic Anatomy Online Course in Oral Radiology (DS451c) Identify the following radiographic features labeled 1-7: Incisive foramen

4 Floor of nasal fossa (red arrows) and anterior border of maxillary sinus (blue arrows), forming the inverted (upside down) Y. Y facial view

5 Premolar Maxilla Sinus septa Floor of maxillary sinus maxillary sinus

6 Molar Maxilla Malar bone Maxillary tuberosity Pterygoid plates Coronoid process

7 The zygomatic process (green arrows) is a prominent U- shaped radiopacity. Normally the zygomatic bone posterior to this is very dense and radiopaque. In this patient, however, the maxillary sinus has expanded into the zygomatic bone and makes the area more radiolucent (red arrows). The coronoid process (orange arrow), the pterygoid plates (blue arrows) and the maxillary tuberosity (pink arrows) are also identified.

8 Alveolar Features Anterior Mandible 1 = Alveolar crest 2 = Lamina dura 3 = Mesial root surface 4 = Trabeculae Provided and reproduced with kind permission of Stuart C. White, DDS, PhD., UCLA School of Dentistry Normal Radiographic Anatomy Online Course in Oral Radiology (DS451c)

9 Lingual foramen. Radiolucent “hole” in center of genial tubercles. Lingual nutrient vessels pass through this foramen. Radioopaue circle around it is the genial tubercles. Mental ridge

10 Anterior Mandible Lingual foramen Genial tubercles Lower lip line Lower border of mandible

11 Nutrient canals

12 Mental fossa

13 Mental foramen

14 a b c dd a = external oblique ridge b = mylohyoid ridge c = mandibular canal d = submandibular gland fossa

15 Molar Mandible Berry HM. Radiologic Anatomy of the Jaws. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia 1982.

16 Mylohyoid ridge (internal oblique). Located on the lingual surface of the mandible, extending from the third molar area to the premolar region. Serves as the attachment of the mylohyoid muscle. Radiolucent area under it is the submandibular salivary gland fossa. lingual view

17 Lesions related to the teeth and their investing structures

18 Advanced caries

19 Recurrent caries

20 Occlusal caries

21 Recurrent caries


23 Full metal crowns causing periodontal local problem between first premolar and canine (moderate periodontitis) Severe caries

24 Occlusal caries Severe caries Advanced caries Moderat caries

25 Moderate caries

26 Moderate caries and moderate periodontitis around premolar

27 ROOT SURFACE CARIES: as result of moderate periodontitis, Horizontal alveolar bone loss

28 example of a composite restorative material that appears radiolucent and resembles dental caries on a radiograph. The appearance of an anterior cavity preparation restored with this material differs from the appearance of interproximal decay and can be identified by the well-defined, smooth outline.

29 Moderate to severe periodontitis (buccal and lingual cortical plates resorbed unequally)

30 Mild adult periodontitis

31 Loss of bone in the furcation area: severe periodontitis

32 Local aggressive periodontitis : vertical alveolar bone loss)

33 Severe periodontitis: calculus deposits – horizontal alveolar bone loss)

34 Internal resorption

35 Gutta percha and silver points

36 Periodontal abscess

37 Lateral periodontal cyst

38 Radiographic Interpretation

39 Radiolucent Lesions

40 Mixed, periapical, well-defined, non corticated (Periapical cemental dysplasia)

41 Infected radicular cyst


43 Infected radicular cyst

44 radicular cyst, or granuloma

45 Radiolucent, poorly defined border, periapical, resorption, irregular : infected cyst or chronic abcess

46 Radiolucent, corticated border,periapical cyst or granuloma

47 Radiolucent, well defined border, periapical, resorption Infected cyst or periapical scar

48 Radicular cyst

49 Radicular cyst, grauloma, Periapical scar due to endo ttt

50 Surgical defect

51 Periapical scar or surgical defect: Healing lesion

52 Condensing ostitis


54 Follicular space

55 Dentigerous cyst



58 Mixed, pericoronal, unilocular, well-defined borders (Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor)

59 Multilocular, radiolucent, corticated, pericoronal (Dentigerous cyst)

60 Unicystic Ameloblastoma

61 Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor: has several radiographic appearances usually mixed

62 Pericoronal odontogenic keratocyst

63 Lateral radicular cyst radicular cyst

64 Lateral periodontal cyst

65 Globulomaxillary or lateral radicular cyst

66 Globulomaxillary cyst (vital teeth) OR lateral radicular (non-vital teeth)

67 Traumatic bone cyst


69 Incisive canal cyst


71 Median palatine cyst

72 Residual cyst


74 Multilocular dentigerous cyst: Multilocular cysts may also be keratocyst, primordial, residual cyst

75 Soap-bubble (ameloblastoma)

76 Ameloblastoma

77 Ameloblastoma : soap-bubble or honeycomb

78 Central giant cell granuloma

79 Odontogenic keratocyst

80 Odontogenic myxoma: Fine intra-lesional trabeculations

81 Central Hemangioma : coarse, linear Trabeculae that appear to radiate from the center of the lesion.

82 Cherebism

83 Mixed Lesions

84 PeriapicalCementoossous dysplasia dysplasia

85 Compound Odontoma

86 Complex odontoma

87 Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor

88 Mixed, pericoronal, unilocular, well-defined borders (Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor)

89 Radioopaque Lesions

90 Condensing ostits

91 Periapical idiopathic idiopathic osteoscelerosis osteoscelerosis

92 Unerupted tooth

93 Hypercementosis

94 Mature periapical cementoosseous dysplasia cementoosseous dysplasia

95 Mature periapical cementoosseous dysplasia

96 Supernumary teeth

97 Mature focal cementoosseous dysplasia

98 Proliferative periostitis: New reactive buccal layers of bone formation (onion skin appearance)

99 Osetoma

100 Cementyfing ossifying fibroma: Various bone patterns

101 Calcified salivary gland

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