18 th Mar’03Nick Brook – University of Bristol1 GridPP2 bid Nick Brook University of Bristol Timescales Draft outline Envelope What is expected from expts.


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Presentation transcript:

18 th Mar’03Nick Brook – University of Bristol1 GridPP2 bid Nick Brook University of Bristol Timescales Draft outline Envelope What is expected from expts

18 th Mar’03Nick Brook – University of Bristol2 Timescales  Outlines – Wednesday 12 th March  EB submission somewhat less developed than others  EB meeting – 18 th March  Internal release drafts – 7 th April – I’ll need to see you words before that!  Internal “final” document – 1 st May  Release draft to UKHEP Grid – 14 th May  Deadline for comments – 21 st May  Deadline to PPARC – 31 st May

18 th Mar’03Nick Brook – University of Bristol3 Draft Outline TitleEditorsReviewers Tier 0TC & TDJG & SL Tier 1JG & DBTC & SL Tier 2SL & TDJG & TC MiddlewareRM & PCJG & NB Expt Grid InterfacesRB & NBPC & DB ManagementDB & TDSL & RM Operations – travelRM & TDSL & DB Hardware reqtsNB & RBJG & SL DisseminationSL & TDDB Testbed to production JG & PCDB & TD

18 th Mar’03Nick Brook – University of Bristol4 Envelope CB asked for increase in GridPP PMB earmarked resources (£2.1M) for Grid interfaces without specifying by how much. Working assumptions: Current supported activities would carry on at first at current levels ~18FTE Other expts currently not supported would be supported by a few post (~4 posts) “Establishment of an applications-driven e-science programme e.g. LHC data analysis,…” - non LHC expt best supported (for Grid interfaces only) within GridPP2 Non-GridPP2 bids should be e-science driven not physics driven – aims toward Comp Phys Comm publications rather than PRD

18 th Mar’03Nick Brook – University of Bristol5 What’s expected ? 3-5 paragraphs per experiment History of achievement (incl incoporation of non- GridPP effort into projects) Building on successes ie current programme, what is hope to be achieved in last 12 months and how it’ll continue into GridPP2 – named roles New activity – how it builds on current programme Collaborative involvement – other expts, LCG, … Deliverables (1 per year) Estimate of manpower to implement programme

18 th Mar’03Nick Brook – University of Bristol6 What’s expected ? Hardware reqts overview of programme of work up to 2007, including discussion of MoUs, common fund rebates, … expt needs in terms of number of MC events and analysis how above need breaks down in terms of CPU, disk and "tape" by year share of resource envisaged at Tier 1 & Tier 2's - also discussion of network reqts Experiment should in general assume/build in that resources will be distributed, but still need to meet needs of non-engaged expts eg MINOS, CRESST, …

18 th Mar’03Nick Brook – University of Bristol7 Tier-N Planning Questionnaire has been circulated – See

18 th Mar’03Nick Brook – University of Bristol8 What happens aftewards? Allocation of posts: Preliminary ideas ! Current positions will be reviewed (as stated in original GridPP tender document) before end date of GridPP 1 Positions with favourable review will “roll over” Internal bidding à la GridPP 1 for remaining posts