Math Games for K-2 Presented by Paula Jones. Agenda  Background – 15 minutes  Math Game Center Rotation – 1 hour 30 minutes  Common Core Connection.


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Presentation transcript:

Math Games for K-2 Presented by Paula Jones

Agenda  Background – 15 minutes  Math Game Center Rotation – 1 hour 30 minutes  Common Core Connection – 5 minutes  Wrap up – 10 minutes

Objectives  Participants will gather resources for their math workshop.  Participants will recognize that each game will help students build their number sense.  Participants will compare math games across the Common Core strands and connect each game with a strand.

Let’s Talk Games…  Supplement your math workshop (EnVision) game centers  Help children build and deepen their number sense  Can be played successfully by learners on their own, in math workshops, or at workstations  Support teaching with the Common Core Standards

Time to play!  There are 8 games to gather materials for and play. As you play, think about how the game connects to the Common Core Standards and fill out the sheet.  There is a teacher set of directions for introducing and modeling the game.  There is a student friendly set of directions with the reproducibles necessary for that game.  You will rotate every 10 minutes to a new game center.

Time to play!  Keep in mind when using these games in your classroom, the teach directions have four sections…  Connect: relate the game to students’ ongoing work  Teach: Introduce and model the game to students  Active Engagement: Engage students to ensure they understand how to play the game  Link: Students play the game independently

Common Core Connection Kindergarten Common Core Standards Anything but Ten! Build Ten Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To Odd or Even? Tens Go Fish Counting and Cardinality Know number names and the count sequence. Count to tell the number of objects. Compare numbers. Operations and Algebraic Thinking Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from. Number and Operations in Base Ten Work with numbers to gain foundations for place value.

Common Core Connection Second Grade Common Core Standards A “Mazing” 100 Anything but Ten! Build Ten Variation: Close to 20 Cross Out Sums Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To Odd or Even? Tens Go Fish Operations and Algebraic Thinking Add and subtract within 20. Work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication. Number and Operations in Base Ten Understand place value. Use place value understanding and properties to add and subtract.

Common Core Connection First Grade Common Core Standards A “Mazing” 100 Anything but Ten! Build Ten Variation: Close to 20 Cross Out Sums Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To Odd or Even? Tens Go Fish Operations and Algebraic Thinking Understand and apply properties and the relationship between addition and subtraction. Add and subtract within 20. Work with addition and subtraction. Number and Operations in Base Ten Extend the counting sequence. Understand place value. Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract.

“What we want from children who play games is for them to construct insights into the games, create mathematical strategies for winning the games, explain those insights and strategies to in their own words, have good reasons for believing in their insights and that their strategies work, and respond appropriately to challenges to the adequacy of those reasons and strategies. These are important skill to acquire not only for mathematics but also in life in general. ” -Michael S. Schiro, Associate Professor, Boston College and author of numerous games articles.

Common Core Connection  Compare your grid with a neighbor who is at the same grade level.  Were they similar? Discuss where you had similarities and differences.  Look at the following table to see where the games connect to the Common Core

Wrap Up…  Which game are you most likely to use right away?  Which game will benefit those students who are struggling with number sense?  What are your next steps with games?

Resources  Math Games for Independent Practice by Jamee Petersen (32 games total for K-5)  All resources posted to the Melrose Curriculum Wiki  Reproducibles online at 