VCE IT Theory Slideshows By Mark Kelly McKinnon Secondary College Mobile computing devices.


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Presentation transcript:

VCE IT Theory Slideshows By Mark Kelly McKinnon Secondary College Mobile computing devices

Contents SD U4O1 KK02- types and characteristics of mobile computing devices, including: PDAs mobile phones Laptops gaming consoles

PDA Personal digital assistant - a.k.a. palmtop computer, handheld computer, personal information manager (PIM).

PDA Often now indistinguishable from smartphones: PDAs without phone facilities account for a tiny percentage of sales. Now often have music/video players, downloadable apps (applications)

PDA Portable, light, low electrical requirements. Small storage capacity (SD card, Flash RAM, a little RAM) Often have proprietary plugs & sockets. Very limited display size and data entry controls.

PDA Many have a touchscreen. Older varieties used QWERTY soft or physical keyboards, or a stylus. Some models have handwriting recognition. Usually can synchronise data with another computer.

PDA Often used to manage stock, collect signatures at post offices when packages are collected, issue parking tickets etc.

PDA Software is usually restricted to a single make or model. Apple OS applications are controlled by Apple. Android OS applications are less controlled. Some run cut-down versions of 'regular' operating systems (e.g. Windows Mobile) Common examples: Palm Pilot, Blackberry.

Mobile Phones Obviously, can make wireless phone calls Many now are smartphones/PDAs - the border between them all is blurring more every day.

Laptops a.k.a. Notebook computers Not phone-capable. Run a full computer operating system (e.g. Windows, Mac OS, Linux) Portable, battery powered.

Laptops Often have optical drives, several USB ports, HDMI, VGA out, audio ports. Large amounts of RAM (1 to 6G) and secondary storage (SSD or HDD) Can be as powerful as a desktop PC

Laptops Large display (compared with a PDA) - e.g. 13" to 18" Nearly full QWERTY keyboard (sometimes keys are smaller than a normal keyboard)

Laptops Tablet computers also have rotatable touch- sensitive screens for data entry and display. Lower-powered laptops are merging with higher-end netbooks.

Gaming Consoles Primarily designed for gaming - strong on graphics, sound etc Often internet-connectable Many have special controllers for data/movement entry

The future Distinctions between laptops, phones, PDAs etc are blurring. E.g. the iPad is not phone capable and cannot be used as normal computers (to run spreadsheets for example) but Newer tablets (e.g. Samsung Galaxy) work as phones as well as fully-functional computers.

Mobile computing constraints CPU speed Input devices Screen resolution, screen size Memory size Secondary storage

Mobile computing constraints Connections to external devices Future expandability OS restrictions (e.g. Apple OS) Battery duration & lifetime Wireless/Wired connectivity distance/speed

Mobile computing constraints Robustness General usability (just try using a spreadsheet on an iPhone!)

By Mark Kelly McKinnon Secondary College These slideshows may be freely used, modified or distributed by teachers and students anywhere on the planet (but not elsewhere). They may NOT be sold. They must NOT be redistributed if you modify them. VCE IT THEORY SLIDESHOWS