如何成為IEEE作者 — IEEE期刊與會議投稿流程


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如何成為IEEE作者 — IEEE期刊與會議投稿流程

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從此處輸入帳號密碼登入到管理頁面. 點選進到檔案管理 點選「上傳檔案」上傳資料 點選瀏覽選擇電腦裡的檔案 可選擇公開或不公開 為平台上的資料夾 此處為檔案分類,可顯示在展示頁面上,若要參加 MY EG 競賽,做品一律上傳到 “ 98 MY EG Contest ” 點選此處確定上傳檔案.
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公用品.  該物品的數量不會因一人的消費而受到 影響,它可以同時地被多人享用。 角色分配  兩位同學當我的助手,負責:  其餘各人是投資者,每人擁有 $100 , 可以投資在兩種資產上。  記錄  計算  協助同學討論.
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SCIENTIFIC SOLUTIONS ISI Journal Citation Reports ® 4.0 期刊引文分析報告的使用和檢索 使用 ISI Web of Knowledge 平台 網址:
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845: Gas Station Numbers ★★★ 題組: Problem Set Archive with Online Judge 題號: 845: Gas Station Numbers. 解題者:張維珊 解題日期: 2006 年 2 月 題意: 將輸入的數字,經過重新排列組合或旋轉數字,得到比原先的數字大,
T H O M S O N S C I E N T I F I C ISI Web of Knowledge 新功能與提升 2005 年第 3 季.
ISI Journal Citation Reports ® 4.0 使用 ISI Web of Knowledge 平台 網址: 金珊資訊有限公司.
概念性產品企劃書 呂學儒 李政翰.
1 © 2011 台灣培生教育出版 (Pearson Education Taiwan). 2 學習目標 1. 當面對可預測的變異性時,同步管理並改善供應鏈 中的供給。 2. 當面對可預測的變異性時,同步管理並改善供應鏈 中的需求。 3. 當面對可預測的變異性時,使用總體規劃將利潤最 大化。
論文研討 2 學分 授課教師:吳俊概. 第一節 論文發表的目的 第二節 論文發表的歷程 第三節 投稿過程 第四節 退稿處理 學術期刊論文的製作與發表.
線上寫作之語音評閱 – 以中央大學進修英文課程中 之「寫作報告」為例 中央大學語言中心 劉詠華 January 22, 2007.
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Journal Citation Reports 金珊資訊有限公司. JCR 版本介紹 Editions: Science Edition 自然科學專輯 Social Sciences Edition 社會科學專輯 Frequency 更新頻率: Annual 每年更新 Number of Journals.
McGraw-Hill/Irwin © 2003 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,All Rights Reserved. 參 資料蒐集的方法.
IEEE Computer Society 長亨文化事業有限公司. 大綱 學會背景 內容 查詢功能.
第12章 團體溝通情境中的領導者.
Journal Citation Reports 金珊資訊有限公司. JCR 版本介紹 Editions: Science Edition 自然科學專輯 Social Sciences Edition 社會科學專輯 Frequency 更新頻率: Annual 每年更新 Number of Journals.
第五章 How to List the authors and Address DEFINITION OF AUTHORSHIP 作者身份的定義 – 作者順序應按照對 實驗的重要性來分類論文作者不需能為 研究結果負學術責任 原則上依照各家期刊出版社的格式調整.
幼兒行為觀察與記錄 第八章 事件取樣法.
McGraw-Hill/Irwin © 2003 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.,All Rights Reserved. 肆 資料分析與表達.
ISI Journal Citation Reports ® 4.0 期刊引文分析報告的使用和檢索 使用 ISI Web of Knowledge 平台 網址: 金珊資訊有限公司.
第四章 認知程序與產品定位. 資訊處理的模型年齡 第一節 資訊接收 激發 – 當消費者暴露在一項新期的資訊下,而引發消 費者的內在心理處理程序。 注意 – 消費者必須對資訊注意才能夠接收和處理這項 資訊,在處理資訊時的注意包括兩個觀點:強 度和選擇性注意。
Agile methods: a comparative analysis Diane Strode-University of Wellington the 19 th Annual Conference of the National Advisory Committee on Computing.
Online Databases for Business Schools 講授人 : 蔡 佳 展 地 點 : 明新科技大學 時 間 :
Presentation transcript:

如何成為IEEE作者 — IEEE期刊與會議投稿流程

投稿期刊 還是 會議 ? 期刊論文是作者所從事研究工作和最終結果的完整呈現;其結論清晰明確並有嚴格的資料支援。 期刊發表體現更嚴格的評審以及更高品質的成果 大部分期刊論文至少有3名 以上評審人審稿,並有副主編定稿 期刊論文接受率通常遠低於會議論文 會議主要目的是通過演講 現場交流資訊和交換想法 會議常常反映最新最前沿的研究,很多研究尚未到達正式期刊發表的程度,還處於研究進展階段。 會議主要是快速傳播科研資訊,以從觀眾中獲取寶貴的意見和回饋 會議常常會盡可能能覆蓋較多的參與者,所以很多會議論文接受率較高

IEEE 期刊投稿流程

Journals, Transactions, Magazines IEEE 學術期刊 160 Journals, Transactions, Magazines What are the opportunities to publish at IEEE? IEEE's 154 journals, transactions, magazines, and more than 1,200 conferences around the world allow authors to find the best forum for their work. This wealth of information allows researchers to find exactly what they need among the more than three million documents in IEEE Xplore. Authors can be "found" where their work belongs. 2-1

Journals-學術期刊 Journals, Transactions, and Letters are the primary means for publishing technical papers concerning original work in IEEE fields of interest. The primary purpose of Journals, Transactions, and Letters is to disclose and provide a permanent archival record of original technical work that advances the state of the art or provides novel insights. Letters are for the publication of brief papers, usually three to four pages in length.

Magazines-技術雜誌 Magazines are characterized by regular and continuing issues with significant technical content in addition to general news and regular columns IEEE Communications Magazine IEEE Microwave Magazine IEEE Signal Processing Magazine IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine ......

以MTT刊物為例 Transactions Letters Magazine NewResearch Article YES(6pages, over-lengthcharge) YES(3pages) NO TutorialArticle YES(atexpert level) YES(atFundamental toIntermediatelevel) Application Note YES ReviewArticle Research Article: Papers in the journals use the IEEE standard format and must include a Title, Abstract, Introduction, Technical Content, Conclusions, and References. The transactions also include the author biographies. Tutorial: Unique presentation of known material. Valuable methodologies, exhaustive references Application Note: Describe current application of technology: circuits, systems, models, concepts. Review: Historical account of field, exhaustive references, explanation of state-of-the-art, indications of future research

如何選擇期刊投稿第一步 Relevancy 期刊主題相關性 Impact Factor 期刊影響因子

Journal Citation Report Results, by Impact Factor JCR 報告排名 Journal Citation Report Results, by Impact Factor IEEE publishes: #1 journal in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 16 of the top 20 journals in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 8 of the top 10 journals in Telecommunications 6 of top 10 journals in Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture 3 of the top 5 journals in Computer Science, Cybernetics 3 of the top 5 journals in Automation & Control Systems # 1 in Artificial Intelligence # 1 in Transportation Technology # 3 in Imaging Science # 4 in Nuclear Science # 5 in Biomedical Engineering The ISI JCR presents “quantifiable statistical data that provides a systematic, objective way to evaluate the world’s leading journals” (2010 report released June 2011) 2-1

篩選與研究領域最相關的期刊 Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on (855) Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on (283) Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on (193) Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on (165) Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions on (75) Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on (69)

如何選擇期刊投稿第一步-瞭解期刊 一旦確定了4-5本目標期刊,下一步是研究 “Aims and Scope” 以瞭解到底該刊傾向於 何種類型的文章 主編 編委成員 閱讀部分期刊收錄的文章,判斷該期刊的 讀者群是否吻合

瀏覽 IEEE 期刊 2-1

瞭解期刊的評審出版時間 每本期刊的評審時間各有不同。Xplore上大部分期刊會顯示文章被收到、修改、接受和出版的時間。

考慮期刊可能涉及的費用 Page Charge 版面費 IIIustration Charge 圖像製作費 Open Access Fee 作者付費

IEEE Open Access期刊 複合OA期刊 完全OA期刊 2011年底起,所有 IEEE 期刊提供作者付費選擇 這類文章將以開放存取的形式出現在 IEEE Xplore 供所有人訪問 完全OA期刊 IEEEJournal of theElectron DevicesSociety IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing

電子投稿 :E-Submission


評審流程 Review Process e.g. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine

稿件被退 Not in the proper format. These are not rejected, but they cause delay for the author Not within the scope of the journal Does not have sufficient technical content Source: George E. Ponchak, Editor, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques

同行評審 Does it address a new and important problem? Is the material original? Are the methods and rationale valid? Do the conclusions make sense? Is it clearly written? Do the illustrations, tables, and charts support the text? Are the references current and relevant to the subject? Is the content appropriate, in scope and level, for the journal? http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/authors/author_guide_interactive.pdf

稿件被拒 Paper is very similar to another paper by the authors that was not referenced. Idea not novel or it is an obvious, incremental variation over prior art. Results are not state of the art. Unsupported claims made in the paper. Method or circuit are not fully explained. Measured results not presented. Poor grammar or use of English. Source: George E. Ponchak, Editor, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques

Journals, Transactions, Magazines IEEE會議 160 Journals, Transactions, Magazines 1,200 Conferences

Conferences Call For Papers http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/index.html

2013 Conferences in Taiwan

Browse Past Conferences

IEEE 投稿注意事項

強調原創性 IEEE's policy on duplicate publication states "authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor which is under review for another refereed publication. If authors have used their own previously published work(s) as a basis for a new submission, they are required to cite the previous work(s) and very briefly indicate how the new submission offers substantively novel contributions beyond those of the previously published work(s)." http://ewh.ieee.org/soc/nps/TNS.htm

學術抄襲行為 Copying someone else’s entire article, or a major portion of the article (more than 50%) verbatim, without credit to the original author(s) or copying your own previously published work (see redundant Publication, below). Copying a large proportion (20-50%) of someone else’s work, or your own previous work, without credit. Copying without credit individual elements such as paragraphs, sentences, or illustrations, resulting in a significant portion (up to 20%) of an article. Uncredited paraphrasing of pages or paragraphs from another source. Credited verbatim copying of a major portion of an article without clear delineation, such as quotes or indents

不要一稿多投 Never submit work for review to more than one publication at the same time. Doing so risks being accepted by both publications and, consequently, multiple publications It is common in technical publishing for material to be presented at various stages of evolution. Early ideas may be published in a workshop; more developed work in conference proceedings; and the fully developed study may be published in a journal. IEEE guidelines require that authors fully cite their prior work. Authors must be able to demonstrate significant advances from prior publications.

投稿格式:Tools for Authors http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/authors/authors_journals.html

Article Preparation and Submission IEEE Taxonomy (PDF,374 KB) Reference Preparation Assistant STIX Fonts Web Site   IEEE Style Manual (PDF, 132 KB)  Refine the Use of English in Your Manuscript IEEE "Information for Authors" kit (PDF, 755 KB)  Graphics Checker Tool  Frequently Asked Questions on Submitting Graphics (PDF, 20 KB)  Titles of IEEE Transactions, Journals, and Magazines (PDF, 728 KB) Using Microsoft Products or PDFs to Submit Graphics  (PDF, 2.2 MB)

Template for all Transactions* •Template and Instructions on How to Create Your Paper (DOC, 92KB) •Instructions Only (PDF, 108 KB) • WIN and MAC Bibliography File (ZIP, 208 KB) • Unix LaTeX2e Transactions Style File (TAR.GZ, 204 KB) • WIN OR MAC LaTeX2e Transactions Style File (ZIP, 348 KB) • Unix Bibliography File (TAR.GZ, 204 KB)  (except IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, IEEE Magnetics Letters, IEEE Photonics Journal and IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation )

李箐 IEEE Client Services/UPP Manager li.q@ieee.org 2-1