Save these file as a web page


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Presentation transcript:

Save these file as a web page Ans:File menu---- Save as web page----Click Save

Make the selected text upper case Ans:Format menu ---Change case ---- Select UPPERCASE Click Ok.

Delete the selected text using the keyboard Ans: Click On Delete from the keyboard

Insert a new column to the left of selected column Ans:Click on the small arrow in this icon -----choose Insert column to left

Modify the border style of the selected row to double lines Ans: Click on the small arrow in this icon and choose---

Apply Simple 3 to this table Ans:Click on this icon -------Choose Simple3

Select the Chart to Remove it Ans:Click on the Chart

Save these Document as Rich Text Format Ans:File menu------Choose Save as----- in save as type section--- Choose Rich Text Format

Change the name of the document to Koko Ans:File menu------Choose Save as----- in File Name section--- Type KoKo------click Save

Change the Default file location to Desktop Ans:Tools menu------Choose Option-----File location Tab---- Click On Modify----In look in section----Choose Desktop—Click OK----Click Ok

Use Microsoft word help to access information on bullets and numbering ? Ans:Help menu----Microsoft word help----Index tab----Type bullets and numbering ----Click search

Remove the standard toolbar from the Microsoft word application window ? Ans:View menu-----uncheck the Standard

Change the view mode for this document to Web Layout Ans:View menu----- Web Layout

Switch to the other open document production Ans:Window menu-----Click Production

Insert the Trademark symbol at the insertion point Ans:Insert menu----Symbol-----Select the Trademark symbol Click insert----close

Select only the 3rd sentence for example … in the above text Ans:Use click and drag to select the sentence

Move the selected word supports and paste it between the words system and operations Ans:Edit menu---- Click Cut ----put the cursor after the word system--- Edit menu---Click Paste

Use the find and Replace dialog box to find the word brown in this document Ans:Edit menu--- Find--- in find what section----Type brown ----Click find next

Make border to the selected text Ans:Format menu ---Border and shading-----Borders Tab— In Setting section -----Select Box-----Click Ok

Click the toolbar button that would enable you to Copy format of the selected text and apply that format to the text the quick brown fox Ans: Click on the format painter tool from the standard toolbar

Create a new Paragraph between the heading and main body text on this document Ans: Put the cursor after Windows XP brims with new features----Press Enter from the keyboard

Apply the right indent to 2” to this paragraph. Ans: Format menu --- Paragraph--- in the indentation section --- in Right section Choose 2 ----Click ok

Make the selected text into a default bulleted list.     Make the selected text into a default bulleted list. Ans:Format menu Bullets and Numbering Bulleted Tab Choose the first bullet  

How can you insert a Soft Carriage retuen (line break)at the insertion point. Ans:Insert menu Break In Break types Section Select Text wrapping break Click ok

How you can modify the top margin of This document to 1”? Ans:File menu page setup margin Tab in the Top margin section select 1 Click ok

How you can insert manual page break at the insertion point in the document? Ans: Press the Ctrl + Enter Keys from the keyboard

How you can change the text in header to The start option? Ans: View menu--------Header and Footer-------Select the word menu and Write the word option

Insert the date in the top left header in this document? Ans: View menu-----Header and footer----Click on this icon Click Close

Select the entire table? Ans:Click on this icon

Delete the selected raw and all of its contents Ans: Table menu--------Choose Delete -------Then Click Rows

A graphic file named bird A graphic file named bird.jpg is in my document insert this image into the document at the flashing insertion point Ans: Insert menu--------Choose Picture-------Click From file----- in look in section Select My Document---------- Select the bird.jpg and click ok

Copy selected image from Meeting and paste it into Document2,which is already open Ans: Edit menu------- Click copy-----In the taskbar Click on the Document2------Edit menu-----Click paste

Delete the selected graphic on screen. Ans: Edit menu------- Click clear

Merge this Main Document with its Data Source to create a new merge document Ans:Click on this icon ------- in merge to section-------- Choose New document----Click Merge

Use Microsoft Word’s Spell Check facility to correct the spelling of the selected word Note: The correct spelling of the word is features Ans:Tools menu--------Spelling and Grammar----In suggestion Section Choose the correct spelling---------Click Change

Print 2 copies of the current page of this document Ans: File menu----Choose print----- in page range section select current page----and in the copies section Choose 2---- press ok

Change the default user name for this application to Ahmed Mohamed Ans: Tools menu------Choose option------Click user information tab In name section Type Ahmed Mohamed-----Click ok

Insert first Name merge field after the word Dear in this letter Ans: put pointer after word dear Click on this icon -------Select FirstName field

Use the formatting option that would make the selected text look like this: 2 nd Ans:Format menu---- Choose font-----in effects section check superscript------Click ok

Display the non-printing point on this document Ans: Click on this icon

Change the selected row height to be 2.5 Ans:Table menu-----Choose Table Properties------Row Tab---- in specify height section choose 2.5----Click OK

Automatic hyphenate this document Ans:Tool menu----Choose language------Hyphenation-----Check automatically hyphenate document-----Click ok

Change this selected paragraph to be coordinator on the two sides Ans:Format menu-----Choose paragraph------in alignment section Select justified----Click ok .

Create a new blank document Ans:File menu-----New----Select Blank document-----Click ok

Save this document as Meetings on desktop Ans:File menu-----save as---in save in section Select desktop------ in file name section Type Meetings ----Click Save

Open the document Meetings that is in the current folder entitled Meeting Ans:File menu-----Open---Select Meetings----Click open

Close the open document without closing the application Ans:File menu-----Close

Change the view mode for this document to Normal view Ans:View menu-----Normal

Type the following text into this document: We have to meet to solve our problems Ans:Type We have to meet to solve our problems

Select the first letter in the above text,which is the capital W. Ans: Use the mouse to select the letter W

Cut the selected text from Meetings Cut the selected text from Meetings.doc and paste it into Document2,which is already open Ans:Edit menu----Cut----Click on Document2----Edit menu----Paste

The above graphic has just been pasted into the document. Use the Undo Command to reverse this action Ans:Edit menu----Undo

Use the Find and Replace dialog box to automatically replace all instances of the word dog with the word cat Ans:Edit menu----Replace----in find what section Type dog ----in Replace with section type cat----Click Replace All

Change the font size of the selected text to 12 point Ans:Format menu----font----in size section Select 12

Make the selected text underline Ans:Format menu----font----in underline style-- Select the first line

Align the selected text so both edges are straight Ans:Format menu-----Choose paragraph------in alignment section Select justified----Click ok .

Change the line spacing for the selected text to 1.5 lines Ans:Format menu-----Choose paragraph------in Line Spacing section Select 1.5----Click ok .

Change the name Hamada to Hamadah in the To: field of this fax. Ans:Type the letter h at the end of the word hamada

Change Saturday to Monday in the Re: field of this fax. Ans:Select Saturday and Type Monday

Use the Change Case dialog box change the selected text to Sentence case. Ans:Format menu--- Change case ---- Select UPPERCASE ---- Click Ok.

Make hanging indent 1” from the left margin of this document Ans:Format menu-----Choose paragraph------in Special section Choose Hanging-----in By section Choose 1----Click ok

Change the page size for this document to A4 Ans:File menu----Click Page Setup----Paper Size tab---in paper size section----Select A4----Click OK  

Insert page numbers into the bottom left corner of all pages in this document Ans:Insert menu-----Page Numbers----in Alignment section ----- Select left-----Click Ok 

Use the Insert Table toolbar button to add 2 columns wide by 4 rows deep to this document Ans: use this icon from the standard toolbar

Add orange shading to the selected cells. Ans: Format menu------ Choose border and shading----- Shading Tab------Select the orange color from the Fill section----- Press ok

Drag each of the labels to the appropriate graphic representation

Main Document Data Document Form Letter Form Letter Data Document Main Document

Which two of the following statements about proofreading are true? 1-Carrying out a spell check means you don’t have to proofread a document. 2- Print preview lets you see how text and graphics will look when printed.

Choose the option that enables you to select an existing source as the data file for this mail merge Ans:Click on this icon ----Choose Open Data Source

Add the selected word to the custom dictionary Ans:Tools menu--------Spelling and Grammar----Click Add

Print two copies of this document using the Apollo P2200 printer Ans:File menu--------Print---in printer section Select Apollo P2200 -----in number of copies section Select 2------Click Ok

Insert 20 into the Age column for Ahmed Move to the next cell when you finished Ans:Type 20 ------Press Tab from the keyboard

Insert the merge field called WorkPhone at the insertion point Ans: Click on this icon -------Select WorkPhone field

Click the toolbar button that would enable you to Preview Multiple pages Ans: Click on this icon

Add word control between start and menu Ans: Put pointer after the word Start----Type the word Control

Change the border color of the selected row to orange Ans: Click on this icon -------Select orange color

Click Here If you wished to change the height of the Selected picture without changing its width,where would you click to begin?

Add a decimal tab stop at 4’’ on the ruler Ans: Format menu-----Choose Tab----in Tab stop section Type 4----in Alignment section Check on Decimal----Click set----Click ok

Use the appropriate toolbar option to Change the style of the selected text from Heading1 to Normal Ans: Choose from this icon Normal

Remove the line between the above two paragraphs to make them one paragraph Ans: Click Backspace key from the keyboard

In this form letter Merge all the record and shorter address will print without leaving white spacing Ans:Click on Merge-----in Records to be merged Check All-----in When merging records section ----- Check on Don’t print blank lines when data fields are empty

Add a new line between the above two paragraphs Ans:Insert menu Break In Break types Section Select Text wrapping break Click ok