Mobilising Evidence And Knowledge PRIMARY DRIVER SECONDARY DRIVERS


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Presentation transcript:

Mobilising Evidence And Knowledge PRIMARY DRIVER SECONDARY DRIVERS INTERVENTIONS Advocate the implementation of HEE's policy for NHS funded library and knowledge services in England.  Mobilising Evidence And Knowledge NHS organisations Apply and use evidence, Build know-how, Continue to learn and Drive innovation. Advocate for the expertise and impact of librarians and knowledge specialists in delivering evidence nationally and locally via the joint HEE CILIP ongoing #AMillionDecisions initiative. Advocate the benefits and impact of knowledge mobilisation, building exemplars and showcasing the benefits. Advocate and facilitate healthcare organisations to use HEE's self-assessment tool to set priorities for mobilising evidence and organisational knowledge. Healthcare staff use the right tools and techniques to share their knowledge and learning, to improve the quality of care, drive innovation and productivity. Strengthen relationships with national bodies and offer consultancy to those planning to build capability to mobilise evidence and knowledge. Mobilising evidence and knowledge. Work with health systems to share and spread good knowledge mobilisation practice, facilitating partnerships and communities to better mobilise evidence and knowledge. Promote the knowledge mobilisation framework to enable effective knowledge transfer, building capability in the healthcare workforce. Develop and promote learning opportunities for healthcare staff to share their knowledge. Health librarians and knowledge specialists identify and implement business critical tools and techniques to better mobilise evidence and knowledge. Extend the reach of current awareness bulletins produced by library and knowledge specialists. June 2019 Further enhance the confidence skills of librarians and knowledge specialists to mobilise evidence, knowledge and innovation.