Mrs. Callahan’s Newsletter August 16th, 2019 Reminders Spelling Words August 16th, 2019 Reminders Spelling Words Thank you for a wonderful start to our school year. I appreciate all of your help and support. Please make sure to look at your child’s planner and homework binder each night. 1.mess 2. head 3. check 4. ready 5. stop 6. crops 7. block 8. rock 9. hut 10.bathtub 11. jumps 12. slump 13. funnel 14. gush 15. trust Challenge: 16.leadership 17.excellence 18. spirit What we are learning reading/language Essential Question: What can traditions teach you about cultures? Comprehension Skill: Sequence Grammar: Commands and Exclamations Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues Writing Traits: Word Choice Genre: Realistic Fiction math Essential Question: How can you use place value to add and subtract three-digit numbers? Skills: Place Value, Rounding, Addition, Subtraction homework Monday Read “Yoon and the Jade Bracelet” p. 34-53 In Literature Anthology Book Math Monday Read 15 minutes Study Spelling Words Tuesday Answer Questions #1-2 p. 53 Math Tuesday Wednesday Answer Questions #3-4 p. 53 Math Wednesday Thursday Reading Questions Due Thursday Math Thursday Read 10 minutes Friday Spelling Test Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 First Day of School! Curriculum Night 5:00-5:45 Dad’s League