Properties of Matter.


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Presentation transcript:

Properties of Matter

Mass How much matter is in an object. An object’s mass stays the same no matter where it is Tool- Triple Beam Balance or Double Pan Balance Units- Grams (g) or Kilograms (kg) “ I can classify these objects by which ones are more than 50g and which are less than 50g”

Practice finding Mass

VOlume The amount of space an object takes up Measure with “Z Factor” (LxWxH), use a graduated cylinder, or use water displacement Solids, liquids, and gases take up space “ These objects take up 50mL or more of space, and these objects do not”

Practice finding VOlume

Physical State Is your object a solid, liquid, or a gas? Solid has a definite shape and volume Liquids can have lots of shapes, but a definite volume Gases can have lots of shapes, but no definite volume “These objects are solids, and these others are not solids”

Changing states of Matter

Solubility Testing to see if an object dissolves in water If something dissolves in water, it creates a solution If something is not soluble it creates a mixture Heat up the liquid to make substances dissolve faster To separate a solution you must evaporate the water

Warm water helps substances dissolve faster Stirring quickly helps substances dissolve faster

Magnetism The ability to be attracted to a magnet Magnets have a North and a south end Only opposite ends will attract Most metals are magnetic (Iron, cobalt, nickel)

Density The amount of matter in a certain amount of space Mass divided by volume (More than 1 it will sink, less than 1 it will float) If something floats it is less dense than water If something sinks it is more dense than water

Conductors and Insulators Conductors- Materials that allow electricity and heat to pass through them Insulators- Materials that do NOT allow electricity or heat to pass through them Use by testing circuits