How can a loving God send anyone to an eternal hell?


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Presentation transcript:

How can a loving God send anyone to an eternal hell? Problems Christians Face

Considering the question A complex question involving many Biblical subjects Often used by skeptics and atheists to reject God, or the God of the Bible They rationalize that a good God is inconsistent with eternal torment They are not alone!

Considering the question First, consider that the issues does NOT prove or disprove the existence of God It DOES appeal to His character NOT liking what the Bible says doesn’t change its truthfulness. NOR does disliking it disprove the resurrection, the Bible or our Christian faith

Considering the question Next, God is God, whether we understand Him or not Limited understanding about God’s character doesn’t mean He is not there. NOR does it mean we cannot recognize His goodness and severity

Considering the question Typically, such charges are based upon man’s interpretation of who God OUGHT to be. We want God and His qualities to be a certain way – so we create Him that way. Such is the concern with idolatry and self-imposed religion

Considering the question Also, what the Bible says about this is a very emotional subject There is no pleasure in talking about this. Many have no problem with just punishment, but it is the extent of God’s wrath – its severity

Considering the question Considering the severity Can man really determine the right punishment for rebelling against God? Typically, man leans toward leniency, especially about himself. He reasons what is fair, etc. This has led to many false doctrines about hell.

The nature of God The goodness and severity of God – Romans 11:22 These are NOT contradictory. Goodness sometimes requires severity in dealing with others (cf. Hebrews 12:4-11 – discipline) His goodness underlies His severity

The nature of God The holiness of God God is holy – Isaiah 6:3, Psalm 111:9 He does not dwell in the presence of evil – Psalm 5:4, Habakkuk 1:13, cf. James 1:13 He must address evil and sin

The nature of God The justice of God God is just– Isaiah 30:18 – a God of justice. He is a judge Justice calls for fair and balanced judgment – even dealing with the guilty A challenge – man seeks to view His justice with human and flawed eyes God will make no mistakes

The nature of God The righteousness of God God is righteous – Romans 1:17 He will do what is right and just. Equitable Romans 2:2-9. 2 Thessalonians 1:5-9 – includes His wrath on the ungodly

The nature of God We are sinners Do we appreciate how terrible sin is? Again, man views this from his standpoint Created without sin – Ecclesiastes 7:29, Genesis 1:27

The nature of God We are sinners Man has freewill Man chose to sin and REBEL against God - Sin separates us from God – Isaiah 59:2, Romans 3:23

The nature of God We are sinners Our sins must be dealt with by Him WHO gets to determine what is just? Who gets to determine severity? As sinners, we face His wrath– Romans 6:23 Are we innocent or guilty? What do we deserve? Sin is rebellion!

The nature of God God’s love demonstrated Again, how serious is sin? So serious it DEMANDS action God, before the world began, provided another way A perfect sacrifice – Romans 3:23-26, 5:6-9

The nature of God God’s love demonstrated That perfect sacrificed took the place of our sins and punishment Jesus paid the price – Isaiah 53:6, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Peter 2:24

The nature of God God’s love demonstrated THUS, with righteousness and justice – He willingly provided a way for our sins to be taken care of This shows how much God loves and cares about us

The nature of God BUT there will be a day of judgment God did what He did, but He will NOT force anyone to accept it in this life But He will judge us all one day Those who reject Him will face His punishment - an eternal hell!

The nature of hell What is hell? The place of punishment and consequence from rejecting God It is a place where God will NOT be – 2 Thessalonians 1:9 Matthew 7:23, 25:41 This is something most do not fully comprehend Separated from everything pure and good

The nature of hell A place of torments The place of punishment Weeping and gnashing of teeth, outer darkness – Matthew 25:30 The worm doesn’t die – Mark 9:44ff We should NOT wish this on anyone Consider profanity

The nature of hell A place of torments These are physical descriptions to describe a spiritual place The point is to help us grasp just how terrible it will be to be separated from God

The nature of hell An eternal place Matthew 18:8, Revelation 20:10, 2 Thessalonians 1:9, Jude 7, etc. Matthew 25:46 – as eternal as heaven A place of consciousness

The nature of hell Summarized Hell is a place described, that we do everything we can to avoid going there. We should NOT wish this on anyone. If this punishment were anything less, what incentive would men have to willingly submit to Him

The nature of hell ALL have opportunity to avoid it The blood of Jesus is available to all – John 3:16, Romans 6:10 God doesn’t want any to perish – 2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:4 Those eternally lost are there by their choice, their rebellion Romans 2:5, 2 Thessalonians 1:8

Final thoughts Can we truly question God on this? Man struggles with this because he doesn’t like it and THINKS it is unfair. Is he thinking about this from God’s standpoint?

Final thoughts Can we truly question God on this? Consider the other side – not only can the blood of Jesus keep us out of hell, but it can give us eternal life – Matthew 25:46, 1 Thessalonians 4:17, Romans 2:7 IS this what we REALLY deserve? But most don’t have a problem with eternal REWARD

Final thoughts Considering the severity of hell Will you allow this to rebel and reject Him and ASSURE His wrath? Or will you surrender to Him now are receive an eternal reward in heaven? How can we help you?