LEQ: What is land cover, and how is land cover classified


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LEQ: What is land cover, and how is land cover classified LEQ: What is land cover, and how is land cover classified? Part 1 Key Terms: Land Cover, USGS, Developed, Agriculture, Forested, Mining, Barren

Instructions As you go through this slide show presentation, you will need to: A. Take notes in the science section of your 3 ring binder. B. Use and complete the accompanying worksheet.

Land Cover Land cover is defined as the physical material that cover areas of the Earth’s surface. On your worksheet for slide #2, do the following: From what you already know and have observed, make a list of 5 different types of physical materials (or things) that cover large parts of Earth’s Surface. Runoff flows over the land cover. Land cover is classified into many different categories. The USGS (United States Geologic Survey)’s National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD) divides land cover into 21 different types (or classes). Click on the link above, and view the NCLD web site. On your worksheet for slide #2, surf and use the website to answer questions 2, 3, and 4.

21 … is it to Much? The NLCD’s list of 21 different land cover types is very detailed and for our purposes can be to confusing. To keep it as simple as we can, our class will be identifying, classifying, and observing characteristics of 4 land cover types. This power point will now close. Go back to Mr. Kraynak’s Power Point lessons, and open part 2.