Blocking actin turnover affects AJ remodeling and E-cad dynamics.


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Blocking actin turnover affects AJ remodeling and E-cad dynamics. Blocking actin turnover affects AJ remodeling and E-cad dynamics. (A-C′) An eye disc cultured in DMSO control (A,A′) shows normal E-cad-GFP signal, whereas Lat-A (B,B′) or Jasp (C,C′) treatment each results in different AJ defects. The boxed MF-proximal regions in A-C are enlarged in A′-C′. Arrow indicates MF. (D-G) FRAP analysis of E-cad-GFP for precluster AJs. (D-F) Colored boxes indicate the region of interest (ROI), where photobleaching is applied and fluorescence intensity is then measured every second for 60 seconds. (G) Recovery curves for DMSO-treated, Jasp-treated and flr mosaic (red) eye discs. For each data point the s.e.m. is shown. See also Fig. S7 in the supplementary material. Scale bars: 20 μm in A-C; 10 μm in A′-C′; 1 μm in D-F. Dandan Chu et al. Development 2012;139:3561-3571 © 2012.