What are trapeziums?
Find the characters of a trapezium
Group activity Now make your own trapezium
A quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel opposite sides Fill in the blanks ⑤ ④ ⑥ ③ ① ② Quadrilateral ( ) ①③④⑤⑥ A quadrilateral with one pair of parallel opposite sides ( ) ①④⑤⑥ A quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel opposite sides ( ) trapezium ①④⑤
What’s the difference between the bases and the sides? Say the names of all parts ⑤ upper base lower base ④ upper base lower base side side upper base lower base ① side side side side What’s the difference between the bases and the sides?
upper base lower base From a point on the upper base, we can draw a perpendicular line segment toward the lower base. The perpendicular line segment is the height of this trapezium.
Draw the height of each trapezium: B C D From “B” draw the height h h From“A”draw the height
Which height is right?
Which height is right?
In a trapezium,if there is a right angle, we call it a right angle trapezium.
√ True or false × × 1)There are only two heights in a trapezium. ( ) 2) Upper base must be longer than lower base.( ) 3)There are two right angles in a right angle trapezium. ( ) √
play: Use scissors to cut the triangle once to make a trapezoid.
play: Use scissors to cut the parallelogram once to make a trapezoid.