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Happy word search day! (It’s on the table)

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Presentation on theme: "Happy word search day! (It’s on the table)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Happy word search day! (It’s on the table)
WARM UP Happy word search day! (It’s on the table)

2 Last time we talked about the properties of quadrilaterals
Last time we talked about the properties of quadrilaterals. Please get your notes out and make sure we got them all.

3 Any four sided polygon is a quadrilateral.
All convex quadrilaterals have: 4 sides 4 angles Interior angles add to 360° Special quadrilaterals in this section: Parallelogram Rhombus Rectangle Square Trapezoid Trapezium Kite

4 Properties of a trapezium
0 pair of parallel sides

5 Properties of a kite (a kite is a special trapezium)
2 pair of congruent sides Consecutive sides are congruent Opposite sides are NOT congruent Diagonals are perpendicular Notice only ONE diagonal is bisected

6 Properties of a trapezoid
A trapezoid has one and only one pair of parallel sides.

7 Properties of parallelograms
Opposite sides of a parallelogram are parallel Opposite sides are congruent Opposite angles of a parallelograms are congruent. Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other Consecutive angles of a parallelogram are supplementary supplementary

8 Properties of Rhombuses (Rhombi)
A rhombus is a parallelogram (this means it has ALL of the characteristics of a parallelogram) In addition: A rhombus has four congruent sides The diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular The diagonals bisect opposite angles (you know I can’t draw this on powerpoint)

9 Properties of Rectangles
A rectangle is a parallelogram (this means it has ALL the characteristics of a parallelogram) IN ADDITION: Four right angles The diagonals of a rectangle are congruent and they bisect each other

10 Properties of Squares (the love child)
A square is a rectangle (dad), and a rhombus (mom) It has ALL those characteristics!!! four congruent sides (mom) four right angles (dad) The diagonals of a square: bisect each other (dad) are congruent (dad) are perpendicular (mom) Bisect opposite angles (mom)

11 Cut and sort Go to the back of the room and get worksheets 2-15A and 2-15B and a pair of scissors Your instructions are on 2-15B Have fun Ü Then complete 2-16

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