DDR1 inhibition does not prevent establishment of apicobasal polarity in 2D culture but delays the maturation/polarization process. DDR1 inhibition does.


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DDR1 inhibition does not prevent establishment of apicobasal polarity in 2D culture but delays the maturation/polarization process. DDR1 inhibition does not prevent establishment of apicobasal polarity in 2D culture but delays the maturation/polarization process. (A) MDCK-Mock and MDCK-DDR1∆C cells were cultured at 100% confluency in culture inserts coated with collagen I (1.5 mg/ml) before staining against GP135 (green)/actin (red) (top) or ZO-1 (green)/actin (red) (bottom). Samples were confocal microscopy. Representative XZ sections are shown. (B) MDCK cells were seeded in uncoated culture inserts in a low-Ca2+ medium in the presence of either DMSO (Control) or DDR1-IN-1 (1 μM). Next morning, the medium was changed to a Ca2+-containing medium with or without DDR1-IN-1 as indicated. TER measurements were initiated after 15-min incubation and performed every hour between 20.5 and 25.5 h after the Ca2+ switch. The average TER values of three wells per condition were plotted against time. Error bars represent SD between the wells. Pia Pernille Søgaard et al. LSA 2019;2:e201800276 © 2019 Søgaard et al.