EMERGENCE OF Drones for Emergency response


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Presentation transcript:

EMERGENCE OF Drones for Emergency response What is Drone Research Project & U-Flyte? U-Flyte and NUI Maynooth Coastguard and Mountain Rescue Ireland NUIM, Irelandia Aviation, Intel, Airbus Search And Rescue Mobile Phone – Detect and Locate Manned/Unmanned Integrated Airspace Beoyond Line of Sight Long Distance Remote Control

Terrorist Attacks and Ireland’s Emergency Response

How Likely Is Ireland To Be Targeted in a Terrorist or Mass Casualty Incident? 2015 White Paper on Defence Ireland’s Threat Assessment Islamic State Dissident Republican Terrorists Criminal Gangs and Gun Violence Lone Wolf Attacks

How Prepared Is Ireland for a Potential Terrorist Attack or Mass Casualty Incident? 2017 – Year of the ‘Lone Wolf’ Attacker 2017 – Lessons from Britain 22nd March, Westminster Attack 22nd May, Manchester Attack 03rd June, London Bridge Attack 2018 – Collapse of Islamic State Caliphate 2018 – Collapse of IS Inspired Attacks, Europe 2019 – Islamist Terror Groups – What Next?

Brexit & Terror Threat Assessment Dissident Republicans – Real IRA, Continuity IRA – Emergence of New IRA New IRA Campaign 2019 Car Bomb Derry January Incendiary Device Campaign, London, March Murder of Journalist Lyra Mc Kee, Derry, April What Next from Dissident Terrorism? Brexit Timeline Organised Crime – Homicide by Firearm, Ireland

How Prepared Are We For A Potential Attack? An Garda Siochana – Personnel, Training, Equipment, Morale Defence Forces – Personnel, Training, Equipment, Morale Ireland’s Experience of Terrorism and Irish Intelligence Structures Political Position on Terrorism/Organised Crime

Has Ireland’s National Emergency Response Guidance Changed to Incorporate Terrorist Attacks or Mass Casualty Incidents? Ireland’s ‘Framework For Major Emergency Management’ Emergency Management Lessons Learned ‘Annex A To Strategic Emergency Planning & Guidance – Lead, Principal & Other Roles’ Who’s Who in Irish Emergencies?

Has Ireland’s National Emergency Response Guidance Changed to Incorporate Terrorist Attacks or Mass Casualty Incidents? Ireland’s National Security Committee NSC National Steering Group on Major Emergencies Ireland’s Office for Emergency Planning National Emergency Coordination Centre Ireland’s COBRA Committee Director of National Security Analysis Centre 2019

What Essentials Must Ireland Put in Place to Respond to Terror Threats and Mass Casualty Incidents? Austerity and Investment Leadership – Role of Government Leadership – Role of An Garda Siochana EU Commission Funding for Terror Defences Public Education Government Communication Planning & Training