WES Board of Trustees | 2018 – 2019 Roadmap (February 12, 2019)


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Presentation transcript:

WES Board of Trustees | 2018 – 2019 Roadmap (February 12, 2019) Timeline October November December January February March April May June Goal 1: Update WES Policies Lead: Kate Goal 2: Increase Financial Ownership of WES Lead: ______ Goal 3: Increase Efficiencies & Support Virtual Collaboration Lead: Margaret Goal 4: Deepen WES Engagement with AEU Lead: _______ Initiative 1: Review WES Ends Leads: Kate Initiative 2: Shepherd Board Linkages Lead: Trang Initiative 3: Conduct Senior Leader (SL) Oversight Processes Lead: Lauren 2019 – 2020: Determine accessible location Educate members Develop Policy on Speaking on Behalf of the WES Membership Develop Policy on Member Communications to the Board Develop Investment Policy (as proposed by Endowment Committee) Develop Policy on Fiduciary Responsibility Support adult education Wisdom Path class Partner with Amanda and Stewardship on communications Support 2019 – 2020 Budget Summit meeting Conduct fall linkage Support 2019 – 2020 pledging process Conduct WES Strategy Weekend Research AEU & UUA communities Present options for priorities #1 & #2 Research priorities #3 & #4 Implement priorities #1 & #2 Present priorities #3 & #4 Research priorities #5 & #6 Implement priorities #3 & #4 Present priorities #5 & #6 (Continues into 2019 – 2020) Survey BoTs on current tools & barriers Compile results & present to BoT Identify priorities Research priorities #1 & #2 Develop communications channel with St. Lois President Identify recommendations for WES BoT engagement with AEU staff Obtain list of AEU committees and members Identify committees for WES engagement and possible members Open communications with AEU re: questions Meet with SL & WES’ AEU Board rep Obtain AEU org chart Determine process to revise WES Ends, as needed Discuss feedback from September blog post on WES Ends Solicit feedback at fall membership meeting Conduct vote at spring membership meeting Review Ends at WES Strategy Weekend Circulate any revision to WES Ends to membership Conduct series of small group forums to solicit feedback on revisions Finalize focus & dates Identify facilitators Discuss participant list Send invites Discuss linkage results and lessons learned at BoT meeting Determine spring linkage dates Identify facilitator options Secure facilitators and work with them to prep for session Invite participants Discuss linkage results and lessons learned at BoT meeting Conduct spring linkage Conduct fall linkage Review UUA model contract & WES SL contract Provide 2017-2018 SL review Conduct process hotwash Conduct Senior Leader Salary Review Provide SL with 2018-2019 review Create review policy Approve Senior Leader Housing Allowance Prepare for SL review process Conduct SL review process Revise and sign SL contract (If needed) Finalize 2018-2019 SL review process