Capítulo 2A – Los verbos reflexivos Diego Rivera (México) – Baile en Tehuantepec.


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Presentation transcript:

Capítulo 2A – Los verbos reflexivos Diego Rivera (México) – Baile en Tehuantepec

arreglarse el pelo to fix oneself up

levantarse to get up

vestirse (i) to get dressed

pintarse las uñas to put on nail polish

afeitarse to shave

secarse to dry oneself off

cortarse el pelo to cut ones hair

ducharse to take a shower

ponerse to put on (clothes)

lavarse to wash oseself

bañarse to take a bath

cepillarse los dientes to brush ones teeth

prepararse to get ready

despertarse (ie) to wake up

acostarse (ue) to go to bed