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Apuntes: los verbos reflexivos

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1 Apuntes: los verbos reflexivos
Voces 1 Capítulo 10

2 Los verbos reflexivos Reflexive verbs are used when the object and subject of a verb are the same. In other words, the subject is doing something to itself. I wash my hair. Reflexive verbs require a reflexive pronoun.

3 lavarse me lavo te lavas se lava nos lavamos os laváis se lavan

4 Otros verbos reflexivos
lavarse/bañarse levantarse secarse peinarse

5 más verbos reflexivos afeitarse maquillarse entrenarse estirarse

6 Y más… ponerse quitarse relajarse

7 Los pronombres reflexivos
Reflexive pronouns must come before conjugated verbs. When talking about body parts or clothing, you must use el, la, los, or las after the verb. They can also be used in a variety of tenses. We will focus on the present right now.

8 Práctica I wash my face. Me lavo la cara. He puts on his pajamas.
Se pone el piyama.

9 Stem-changing reflexives
Some reflexive verbs have stem-changes in the present tense (and the preterite tense, too, but we will learn that later). Remember that stem-changes occur in all forms except nosotros and vosotros in the present tense!

10 e -> ie stem-changes
despertarse divertirse

11 o-> ue stem-changes

12 e -> i stem change vestirse

13 Práctica We have fun. Nos divertimos. They get dressed. Se visten.
You wake up early. Te despiertas temprano.

14 Reflexives vs. Nonreflexives
Many reflexive verbs may be used without the reflexive verbs, but the meaning changes. Él se lava la cara. He washes his face. Él lava el carro. He washes the car.

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