Minds-On Write down 3 adjectives to describe each of the characters so far in the play: Stella Stanley Eunice Mitch Blanche What is the irony of the apartment being named Elysian Fields? What do you like or dislike about the play so far? What do you want to find out more in the play?
What are the characters like? Which character do you like the best? To know what direct and indirect characterization is. To understand how direct and indirect characterization can be developed in the story. To be able to gather evidence of direct and indirect characterization from the play A Streetcar Named Desire. Inferences; Characterization; Quotations; Stage Directions; Dialogue
Character Characterization is the showing and telling about a character We learn about a character through: Dialogue – what he/she says and how they say it Action/behaviour – what the character does Interactions with others – what other characters say about him/her, how they respond to him/her Narrative description – what the narrator describes of the characters thoughts, feelings and emotions
Character An author may present his/her characters directly or indirectly, or through a mixture of the two methods. Direct Characterization refers to an author directly stating traits about the character. Ie. The old man was stubborn. Indirect Characterization refers to when an author indirectly reveals traits about a character through their actions or how others relate to them.
How do we learn about a character? Physical traits Dialogue Actions Attire Opinions Point of View
The Characters Protagonist: main character Antagonist: character working against the main character
Types of Characters Flat character: single dominant trait; two dimensional; usually minor characters are developed this way. What you see is what you get. Round character: complex, fully rounded and developed personality. These characters may be difficult to describe, as in real life. They are capable of surprising us.
Types of Characters Con’d Static Character: a character who remains basically unchanged throughout a work Dynamic Character: one who changes in response to the actions through which he or she passes Stock character or archetype: a character “type” often based on stereotypical perceptions such as the mad professor, the clever detective, the wise old man, the hero, villain, etc.