Individualism: The Ethic of the Middle Class Ralph Waldo Emerson and Transcendentalism: Transcendentalism: Every person possesses an inner light that can illuminate the highest truth and put him/her in direct touch with God Emerson worried that society was becoming too materialistic and not spiritual – led to an increase in communal societies He believed that we could only be remade or renewed by getting back in touch with nature and our natural self.
Emerson’s Influence: Henry David Thoreau: Margaret Fuller: Walden – Thoreau lived alone in nature for 2 years Civil Disobedience – urged individuals to resist unjust laws March to a beat of a different drummer – avoid social norms Margaret Fuller: Argued for women’s social independence Walt Whitman: Leaves of Grass – focus on the individual – sometimes suffering is part of the human experience
Rural Communalism and Urban Popular Culture Utopias: Societies that sought to achieve perfection The Utopian Impulse: Shakers: Founded by Mother Ann Lee Advocated celibacy, equal rights for women – Marriage is a prison for women Fourierists Socialism – ending individual property ownership and capitalism Oneida – John Humphrey Noyes “Free love”, Sought to achieve perfection – believed Jesus had already returned No marriages. The Mormon Experience: Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) Encouraged individual success and hard work. Polygamy was allowed
Urban Popular Culture: Minstrel Shows: White actors used blackface in shows that promoted racism and stereotypes “Jim Crow” was a major character Nativist Movements: Distain for immigrants Called for an end to immigration Aimed mostly at Irish (Catholics) who tended to vote Democrat