Do Now for HUMPday, January 11


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Presentation transcript:

Do Now for HUMPday, January 11 WELCOME BACK!! WE have to review for the QBA #2 Concepts re-test! Take out a sheet of paper – Title it: QBA CONCEPTS NOTES YOU WILL HAVE A TEST OVER THE QBA #2 CONCEPTS on FRIDAY! THURSDAY – GO TO COMPUTER LAB 318 FOR QUIZLET ASSIGNMENT.

Do Now for TGIFday, January 13 Take out your notes from Wednesday AND STUDY! PREPARE FOR THE QBA #2 CONCEPTS TEST.

Do Now for Tuesday, January 17 Look at the back board – we have 7 GPS to cover before MARCH – this is our first one: SSEMA1 Illustrate the means by which economic activity is measured. A. Explain that overall levels of income, employment, and prices are determined by the spending and production decisions of households, businesses, government, and net exports. B. Define Gross Domestic Product (GDP), economic growth, unemployment, Consumer Price Index (CPI), inflation, stagflation, and aggregate supply and aggregate demand. C. Explain how economic growth, inflation, and unemployment are calculated. D. Identify structural, cyclical, and frictional unemployment. E. Define the stages of the business cycle; include peak, contraction, trough, recovery, expansion as well as recession and depression. F. Describe the difference between the national debt and government deficits. VOCAB TEST WEDNESDAY!

Do Now for HUMPday, January 18 Take out your notes from Wednesday AND STUDY! PREPARE FOR THE vocabulary TEST.

Do Now for Thursday, January 19 Take out your notes from Wednesday AND STUDY!

Do Now for TGIFday, January 20 What is the Federal Reserve? (look at your vocab!)