Stream and River Deposits


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Presentation transcript:

Stream and River Deposits 11.2 Stream and River Deposits

Even though flooding along rivers is potentially harmful, many farms are located near rivers. Why do people build along rivers? Floodwaters bring fertile sediment deposits, which enrich the soil. Rivers supply a method of transportation for goods.

Deposition The process in which material is laid down or dropped.


Sediment Rock and soil that are deposited by streams.

Deltas A fan-shaped pattern that is created when a river may deposit its load. Forms on a flat surface and is made mostly of mud.


Alluvial Fans Fan-shaped deposits of material, that unlike deltas, form on dry land. Found in some desert regions of California.

How are deltas and alluvial fans examples of ways in which rivers streams change Earth’s landscape? * Rivers and streams change Earth’s landscape by carrying sediment from one place to another. Deltas and alluvial fans result when the river or stream’s load is deposited.

Flood When a stream overflow its banks.

Floodplain The area along a river that forms from sediment deposited when a river overflows its banks.


River Flood ..\..\video clips\11.2 River and Stream Deposits\Explanation_of_Flooding__Watershed__River__and_Flood_Plain_asf.asf

Dam A barrier that can redirect and hold a portion of the floodwater in a reservoir.

Dam _

Levee The buildup of sediment deposited along the channel of a river. Helps keep rivers inside its banks.

List two ways in which floods affect people. * Floods can affect people by causing property damage and death.

Review Questions Why are floodplains both good and bad areas for people to live? * Floodplains form fertile farmland because flood waters periodically deposit new soil on the land. However, flooding can cause property damage and endanger lives.

Describe three landscape features that form as a result of stream deposition. *Floodplains, alluvial fans, and deltas are three landscape features that form as a result of stream deposition. Floods are natural events. Why do humans try to prevent floods? * Humans try to prevent floods from occuring because floods can cause property damage and death.

Review Quiz 11.2 Sediment Delta Alluvial fan Floodplain Levee Dam deposition