Investigating Australia's Physical Environment


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Presentation transcript:

Investigating Australia's Physical Environment Mr Daly Investigating Australia's Physical Environment Thursday, 2 May 2019 Learning Objective: Identify and explore types of maps and Australia’s geographical dimensions Learning Outcome: To acknowledge the origins of Australia’s size and shape Success Criteria: To be able to communicate how Australia was formed, and is changing Activities Website, Edmodo, Note Class Rules Assessment Schedule Australia’s geographical dimensions and Worksheets

Mr Daly’s Parental Note Mr Daly’s Website Thursday, 2 May 2019 Mr Daly’s Edmodo Edmodo Code is 72ag9b Mr Daly’s Parental Note Parents Email and Signatures, please.

Class Rules and Expectations Mr Daly Class Rules and Expectations Thursday, 2 May 2019 I will arrive to class on time and line up quietly I will come prepared to class I will raise my hand to speak I will listen to and respect others in class I will remain silent when Mr Daly delivers an instruction I will remain seated in class and get permission before I get up or leave If I am having trouble with anything, I will ask Mr Daly for help I will complete all class work on time, to the best of my ability

Australia’s Size and Shape Facts Mr Daly Australia’s Size and Shape Facts Thursday, 2 May 2019 Australia is the flattest continent, with an average height of only 330 metres above sea level. Australia is the driest inhabited continent with an average annual precipitation of 450 millimetres. Australia has the lowest flow from its rivers compared with other continents. Australia is the sixth-largest country in the world. Australia is the only Island Continent – and the smallest. Australia has six States and Two Territories. Our Geographic Coordinates are 27 00 S, 133 00 E.

Australia’s Size and Shape Mr Daly Australia’s Size and Shape Thursday, 2 May 2019 Australia compared to Europe Australia compared to the United States of America

Australia’s Size and Shape Mr Daly Australia’s Size and Shape Thursday, 2 May 2019 Australia compared to the United Kingdom Australia compared to Japan

Australia’s Size and Shape Mr Daly Australia’s Size and Shape Thursday, 2 May 2019 This map shows you the two different climates that Australia has. The Tropic of Capricorn is the line which divides the two climates

Australia’s Size and Shape Mr Daly Australia’s Size and Shape Thursday, 2 May 2019 Australia has three major physical regions: The Western Plateau, The Central Lowlands and The Eastern Highlands

Australia’s Size and Shape Mr Daly Australia’s Size and Shape Thursday, 2 May 2019 This map shows you the temperatures which affect enrivonments around Australia

Australia’s Size and Shape Mr Daly Australia’s Size and Shape Thursday, 2 May 2019 This map shows you average rainfall This map shows you average temparatures

Australia’s Size and Shape Mr Daly Australia’s Size and Shape Thursday, 2 May 2019 This map shows water sources.

Australia’s Size and Shape Mr Daly Australia’s Size and Shape Thursday, 2 May 2019 This map shows you water temparatures

Australia’s Size and Shape Mr Daly Australia’s Size and Shape Thursday, 2 May 2019 This map shows you water movement around the globe

Geographical Origins of Australia Mr Daly Geographical Origins of Australia Thursday, 2 May 2019 Over 200 million years ago Australia was part of a great landmass known as Pangaea. This ‘supercontinent’ split in two, making Laurasia (which later became Europe, Asia and North America) and Gondwanaland, which consisted of Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica and South America. If you look at the shape of the present day continents of Africa and South America on a world map, you can see how they may have once fitted together. Scientific studies have shown how the Earth’s crust has followed cycles of joining and breaking up, this is called ‘continental drift’.

What evidence is there which supports this theory?

Geographical Origins of Australia Mr Daly Geographical Origins of Australia Thursday, 2 May 2019 What evidence is there which supports this theory? Exact same animal fossils found in South America and Africa Plant fossils found in Arctic Regions

What was the supercontinent called?

Geographical Origins of Australia Mr Daly Geographical Origins of Australia Thursday, 2 May 2019 Questions What was the supercontinent called?