Group: Qing dynasty Main leader: Hayley


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Presentation transcript:

Group: Qing dynasty Main leader: Hayley View on the Tsar: Do not want a revolution against Mr Sammons but would like him to share more power. Main supporters: Year 7 boys. Aims: Reform the school system to allow a separate canteen for the year 7 girls so the boys can’t annoy them. Strength rating: 2/10 – They don’t have much support and their aims are not especially realistic. The people that do support them are not strong enough to bring about any change. Threat to the Tsar rating: 1/10 – They don’t want to get rid of the Tsar and they have very little support so the don’t threaten him. If they were an animal they would be… A panda – Small numbers, not very useful, limited grasp on reality. Group: Main leader: View on the Tsar: Main supporters: Aims: Strength rating: Threat to the Tsar rating: If they were an animal they would be…