MEETING JESUS AGAIN for the first time


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Presentation transcript:

MEETING JESUS AGAIN for the first time

“If You only knew who I am” (John 4:10)

MEETING JESUS AGAIN – IN THE GOSPELS Question = Why Four Gospels? Matthew Mark Luke John

MEETING JESUS AGAIN – IN THE GOSPELS The Gospels are not contemporary biographies. The Gospel writers were selective. Matthew – Jesus is the Messiah – King. Mark – Jesus is the Suffering Servant Luke – Jesus is the Son of Man. John – Jesus is the Son of God.

MEETING JESUS AGAIN – IN THE GOSPELS Matthew ------------Messiah-King------------Jews Mark -----------------Suffering Servant-------Romans Luke ------------------Son of Man --------------Greeks John ------------------Son of God ---------------World

MEETING JESUS AGAIN – IN THE GOSPELS Why may the Four Gospels be Trusted? “Jesus Christ was either a Liar, a Lunatic, or Lord.” (C.S. Lewis)

Matthew The Date – Before AD 70 (Matthew 24:-1-3)

A tax collector – His conversion One of the Twelve Who was Matthew ? A tax collector – His conversion One of the Twelve

MEETING JESUS AGAIN – IN THE GOSPELS Question – What should be the order of the four Gospels in the New Testament? The reason that Matthew is first.

Matthew The Key Word – “FULFILLED” The Key Verse – Matthew 5:17

Jesus – The “New Moses” with five long speeches Sermon on the Mount – (Matthew 5-7) Sending out of Workers – (Matthew 10) Kingdom of Heaven Parables – (Matthew 13) Discourse on Relationships – (Matthew 18) End Time Olivet Discourse – (Matthew 24-25)

Jesus – The King for all people Matthew begins with a Genealogy & the Magi & ends with the Great Commission. “Many will come from the east & the west & will sit down…” The only gospel that mentions The Church.