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The Gospel of Luke. The Aim of Dr. Luke 1. The Gospel of Luke.

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Presentation on theme: "The Gospel of Luke. The Aim of Dr. Luke 1. The Gospel of Luke."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Gospel of Luke

2 The Aim of Dr. Luke

3 1. The Gospel of Luke

4 Matthew presents the king of the Jews. Mark presents the servant of God. Luke presents the Son of Man. John presents the Son of God.

5 Matthew wrote to the Jews. Mark wrote to the Romans. Luke wrote to the Gentiles. John wrote to the broadest audience.

6 2. Luke

7 3. Theophilus

8 4. The Purpose of Luke’s Gospel

9 5. The Process of Luke’s Gospel

10 a. His careful research

11 b. His reliable sources

12 God Reveals Oral StoriesWritten “Gospels” Eyewitness Testimony Inspiration

13 c. His orderly presentation

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