Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Classification


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Presentation transcript:

Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Classification

SIL Classification 5

5 Classes of demand ( D) D0: negligible demand rate; the scenario has not been heard of in industry; D1: the interval between demands is more than 20 years; the scenario is unlikely to occur during the lifetime of the platform, but has been heard of in industry;   D2: the interval between demands is 4 to 20 years; the scenario is likely to occur during the lifetime of the platform or has already occurred before in the platform; D3: the interval between demands is 6 months to 4 years; the scenario is likely to occur in the time period between two major stops; D4: the interval between demands is less than 6 months; the scenario occurs several times per year on the platform

Risk Matrix to Determine Personal SIL Level 5

Risk Matrix to Determine Economic SIL Level 5

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