Role of the Community-Directed Intervention (CDI) Focal Person


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Presentation transcript:

Role of the Community-Directed Intervention (CDI) Focal Person Module 4 Version 2

Learning objectives By the end of this module, learners will be able to: Define who may be a CDI focal person Describe the roles of the CDI focal person Explain how the health facility as a whole supports the CDI focal person and CDI activities

Why do we need a CDI focal person? CDI happens when communities take charge of distributing health commodities themselves with guidance from the health service A CDI focal person with supervisory responsibility must be present at the supervising health facility to guide the activities of the community health workers (CHWs) The focal person must be trained in CDI activities and willing to work with community members and spend time in the community

Who can be a CDI focal person? Selection criteria for CDI focal person: Health care worker Trained in intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy, supportive supervision, and effective training skills Works in health facility near the community (preferably in the antenatal care clinic) Interested in community-directed intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (c-IPTp) Agrees to participate in CDI Photo by Bright Orji, Jhpiego

What are the key duties of a CDI focal person? Facilitate community mapping of pregnant women and selection of CHWs Train CHWs selected by the community Supervise trained CHWs in the community and at monthly meetings Coordinate commodity supplies (order enough sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and coordinate distribution) Coordinate partners working in the community, such as civil society organizations Monitor and evaluate c-IPTp data (in the health facility and community) Continually promote community involvement in the c-IPTp project

Mobilizing the community The CDI focal person: Carries out community mobilization Holds a community entry meeting with community leaders to seek support and schedule the larger orientation and facilitation meeting Facilitates the orientation and facilitation meeting to seek community representatives’ commitment to CDI Takes part in meeting to obtain feedback from the community Photo by Enobong Ndekhedehe, Jhpiego

Supervising CDI preparation The CDI focal person: Provides guidance to the community to conduct its census/mapping Empowers the community to decide on CHW selection criteria Shares information on upcoming training dates Photo by Enobong Ndekhedehe, Jhpiego

Training CHWs The CDI focal person: Trains CHWs using adult education and participatory approaches Organizes refresher training as needed Provides updates during supervision Photo by Enobong Ndekhedehe, Jhpiego

Supervising CHWs The CDI focal person: Provides supportive supervision to the CHWs in the community using the supportive supervision checklists (see Community Intermittent Preventive Treatment for Malaria in Pregnancy: Implementation Guide, Appendix A) Participates in monthly supportive supervision meetings with the CHWs Photo by Enobong Ndekhedehe, Jhpiego

Coordinating supplies CDI supplies depend on the package of services to be provided The CDI focal person: Uses the village censuses to calculate and order adequate supplies Supplies materials to the CHWs Helps CHWs maintain and audit their stocks Ensures that commodities are: In stock at the facility at all times Available when CHWs come to collect these supplies

Coordinating partners Partners and stakeholders for c-IPTp include civil society organizations, such as: Community-based organizations Faith-based organizations Nongovernmental organizations Agencies operating at the community level Local partners have important roles to play in: Health education of villagers Supporting the efforts of CHWs

Monitoring and evaluating The CDI focal person: Receives and audits the CHWs’ reports Keeps the CHWs’ records at the facility level and summarizes the facility’s report for submission to the district level Facilitates feedback to the community on the performance of the CHWs and the data collected from them as part of the community self-monitoring process Photo by Bright Orji, Jhpiego

Continual community mobilization Regular community meetings are needed Together with CHWs, the focal person helps bring community members together to: Seek their views on progress and problems Help the community solve problems Reinforce the community’s continued commitment to the c-IPTp program and support for their CHWs Identify additional services that can be added to c-IPTp Help the community replace any CHWs who may have moved or dropped out

Role of the health facility All health center staff must support the CDI process The focal person accomplishes this by working with: The pharmacy to ensure adequate supplies of appropriate commodities The records department to ensure CHW reports are integrated with health center data Antenatal care and child health staff to ensure that patients referred by the CHW are welcomed

Summary questions Someone please tell us: Who can be a CDI focal person? What are the roles of the CDI focal person based at the frontline health facility? How can the health facility support the CDI focal person?

Thank you! Any questions or comments? 15