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Presentation transcript:

WELCOME TO YEAR 4 ST. PETER Miss Sheehan is the class teacher and Mrs Jones teaches the class on Tuesdays.

Rules, Rewards and Sanctions Golden Rules 1. We follow instructions first time. 2. We keep our hands and feet to ourselves. 3. We show good manners and consideration to everyone, at all times. 4. We take responsibility for our own behaviour. Rewards Table Points are rewarded when a whole table follows an instruction, completes an activity to a high standard, show good teamwork. Raffle tickets are given to individual children who perform tasks well, show good behaviour, show kindness to others. Whole School Merit assemblies. Sanctions Verbal warnings Parent contact Head Teacher involvement

Literacy During this term in Literacy, we will focus on a range of genres that will be linked to our History topic of Ancient Greeks, including: Newspaper reports, play scripts stories with familiar settings; stories from other cultures; character description; diary entries, letter writing and poetry. Any extra work you can give to the children at home would be very beneficial. The children will be further developing their grammar work by using powerful description through adjectives, adverbs, connectives and similes and will also develop using more interesting sentence structures. In addition to this we will introduce the use of metaphors to help enrich their descriptions. This year, we will be working on developing a wider range of punctuation and to ensure it is used accurately. Please encourage your child to learn their weekly spellings thoroughly by ensuring regular practice.

Reading It is expected that your child reads for at least 20 minutes every night. Their reading record must be signed by an adult who has heard them read. Encourage your child to write a comment about what they have read. There should be at least 5 signatures in the reading record each week. On the front and back covers back of your child’s reading record a sheet has been attached which gives the objectives and questions for each Content Domain we use for comprehension work. Please use these when asking questions with your children during their reading. Comments made in the reading records should be based on the Content domain questions and ensure you have written the number of the Content Domain used. Try to make time to model reading to your child and encourage your child to read a variety of text types. For example, reading instructions on how to play a game, following a recipe, information texts or reading a newspaper. The more the children read, the more confident and fluent they will become and wider their vocabulary will become also.

Numeracy In Numeracy, we will be using the New Government Curriculum and developing mental maths skills. The topics that the children will be covering will be: Number- addition and subtraction Number- multiplication and division Number- fractions (including decimals) Measurement Geometry- properties of shape Geometry- position and direction Statistics Your child needs to learn multiplication and division facts on a daily basis so please encourage them to keep practising. This will greatly help with all areas of mathematics.

Religious Education This term, we have started with the topic ‘Beginning with God’. We will also be doing Judaism after the half term. The children will attend regular Masses and assemblies which you are most welcome to attend. Please discuss with your child what they are studying in their religion topic. BEGINNING WITH THE CHURCH

Science Planning an investigation Recording using tables In Science, the topics we will be covering this year are: Electricity, States of matter, animals including humans, sound and living things and their habitats. For each science topic the children will be carrying out investigations to develop their scientific enquiry skills. These are: Planning an investigation Recording using tables Taking repeat readings Developing graphing skills

History Children will find out about the way of life of people living in Ancient Greece from archaeological discoveries. They will develop their understanding of characteristic features of a society; identify the different ways the past is represented and use sources of information to make simple observations, inferences and deductions. Children will learn about the Greek alphabet and how it has influenced language today, the Olympic Games, both ancient and modern and how they have changed over time; religious festivals and gods and goddesses.

P.E. At present, Year 4 are timetabled for P.E with Non-Stop action. The children are allowed to wear blue tracksuit bottoms, white t- shirt and plimsolls. St. Paul – Tuesdays St. Peter – Thursdays P.E kits cannot be shared/ borrowed from friends or siblings due to health and hygiene purposes. Please remind your child to bring home their kit every few weeks to be washed and returned to school. Earrings must not be worn on P.E days due to health and safety reasons. PE kits must be labelled clearly with your child’s name

ICT This term, the children will be using the ICT sessions to carry out various tasks across the curriculum. Art This term the children will study the artist Ferdinand Leger. They will explore the colours using a range of media. There will also be seasonal activities such as corridor display work, Christmas and Easter art work etc. Music This term, children will recognise, explore sounds and their structure on both tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Homework Homework is given out on a Tuesday and should be completed and returned to school by Monday of the following week. Homework will consists of Grammar work, comprehension exercise, spellings and maths. RE homework will be given where required and may not necessarily be with the Literacy and Numeracy homework. Occasionally, children will be given Science homework or History homework. Please encourage and support your child with any homework they may have. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT

Assertive Mentoring As you know your child will engage in assertive mentoring. This will involve assessing children’s abilities and setting individual targets. These targets will be shared with you to help in supporting your child achieve them.