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Presentation on theme: "Year 3 CURRICULUM EVENING"— Presentation transcript:

Tuesday 19th September 2017

2 STAFF IN YEAR 3 Phase Leader: Mrs Downes Teachers: 3JB Mrs Bedford
3SC Miss Chippendale 3AT Miss Taylor Teaching: Mrs Sullivan Mrs Smith Assistants Mrs Dobson

Homework diary Reading record Open door policy Targets

4 AIMS IN YEAR 3 Transition from Year 2 Experiences in Year 3
Transition to Year 4

5 TIMETABLE IN YEAR 3 Monday: Homework diary signed, hand in homework, Spelling test Wednesday: Games (trainers, tracksuit in winter) Thursday: Swimming (trunks/costume, towel, goggles) Friday: Homework P.E. (pumps, white shorts & White/Green t-shirt)Hair tied back.


7 Murton park Visit Day in the life of a Roman Soldier

Consent slips/parental contributions Behaviour and implications

9 The Curriculum in Year 3 Literacy expectations
Reading- -Continue with Accelerated Reader -Success last year -Greater independence from the children in Year 3 -Range of texts -Change books- opportunity after each quiz has been taken

10 Writing-composition Build on skills from Year 2
-Wider range of punctuation ?,! Plan their writing by: discussing writing similar to that which they are planning to write in order to understand and learn from its structure, vocabulary and grammar Spelling- -Common Exception words for Year 3 -write from memory simple sentences, dictated by the teacher, that include words and punctuation taught so far.

11 Numeracy- Mastery -Greater emphasis now in mastery of the maths curriculum -Ability to reason and explain is of much greater importance within the curriculum now How can you help your child? Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division I can add a 1 digit number to a 3 digit number mentally. I can subtract a 1 digit number from a 3 digit number mentally. I know the 3, 4, 6 and 8 times tables. I know the division facts for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 times tables. I can double a 2 digit number. I can halve a 2 digit number. Number and place value I can count to 1000 forwards and back in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s from any given number. I can find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number. I can give the value of each digit in a three digit number. Decimals, fractions and percentages I can add and subtract using money. I can count in tenths. I can add and subtract fractions with the same denominator, where the answer is not more than 1. Shape I can recognise that an angle is the gap created when two lines cross or meet. I can recognise a right angle, angles less then right angles (acute angles) and angles larger than right angles but less than 180 degrees (obtuse angles). I can recognise and draw parallel lines.

12 Maths calculation policy
These are available on the school website. We try to teach the pupils a range of mental and strategies that they can apply in assessments; they may have their own preference that they feel more confident using.

13 ASSESSMENTS IN YEAR 3 When these take place
Pupil progress and tracking Teacher assessments Moderation English, maths & SPaG assessed regularly through “National Curriculum 2014 and KPI” system

14 Behaviour Policy Merits Golden book Postcards to be sent home
Step/warning system Universal system throughout school

15 SCIENCE & THE foundation subjects.
History Geography French Technology Art Music P.E. P.S.H.E Computing

16 E-Safety Increased use of the internet at school and at home
Ever growing risk of information being misused Usernames and passwords to remain private Parents to be aware of children’s activities – consider computer settings Support on website for e-safety

17 School PTFA Please speak to your child’s teacher if you are interested in helping at PTFA.

18 THANK YOU FOR COMING! Any further questions, please speak to a member of staff.

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