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Meet the teacher Tuesday 10th September 2019 Penguin Class Teacher:Miss Ullah TA: Mrs Birch (Mon/Tues) Mrs Cooper (Weds-Fri)

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the teacher Tuesday 10th September 2019 Penguin Class Teacher:Miss Ullah TA: Mrs Birch (Mon/Tues) Mrs Cooper (Weds-Fri)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet the teacher Tuesday 10th September Penguin Class Teacher:Miss Ullah TA: Mrs Birch (Mon/Tues) Mrs Cooper (Weds-Fri)

2 Meet the teacher Welcome to Year 2

3 Reading Children should read to an adult for 10-15mins everyday.
Please sign/write in your child’s contact book at least 3x a week. We will encourage to change their own reading books but will check that the contact book says that the book has been finished first. It is not essential to read the whole book in one go. Please ask your children about what they are reading and check they are understanding. Children will be heard to read in school and will all have a guided reading session throughout the week which is where we teach reading skills ‘VIPERS.’

4 VIPERS See separate handout We will have a reading focus each week – for the first few weeks we will look at Vocabulary.

5 Year 2- Penguin Home Challenges
READING- Children have a reading book inside their reading wallet. Please ensure these are returned daily with any letters/ notes inside. Children are expected to read every day and have their contact books completed by an adult 3x a week. SPELLINGS- These will go home termly in the reading wallets. Please learn these spellings with your child. Spelling tests will take place on a Friday and results recorded in the contact book. First test on Friday 20th September 2019 GPAS – All children will be provided with a Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling book. Each week children will need to complete one of the activities as set out in the front of the book, please support your child to do this and mark it with them at home (answers in the book). MYMATHS- Challenges are set weekly that link in with current learning. These are OPTIONAL for you to complete at home. Below are some homework challenges that are OPTIONAL. Children are not expected to complete these but can if they wish. Please send in any completed challenges to share! These are only ideas. The challenges are linked to our topic of Superheroes and our key text ‘Traction Man is Here.’ HOMEWORK SET ON A TUESDAY – DUE BACK ON A MONDAY STEP BACK IN TIME Find out about the history of action figures and other kinds of toys. Which toys would you have liked to play with? Which toys are still around now? POSTER Create a poster of your favourite Superhero characters. What are their superpowers? DESIGNER Design a sidekick (or a family) for Traction Man. BE A SCIENTIST Find out about the materials that are used to make different kinds of toys. Can you draw/write about them. HEALTHY FOOD Superheroes need to eat healthily! Design a healthy but yummy meal for Traction man. Can you make it and test it out? Take photos, write your recipe or draw what you did. BE AN AUTHOR Write a story about a new Traction Man adventure, e.g. Traction Man repairs the Giant Intergalactic People Mover.

6 Year 2- TT Rockstars After the October half term holiday we will be introducing TT Rockstars to the Year 2 children. Each child will receive a login. This website allows pupils to practise their times tables in a fun and interactive way. Please begin practising the times tables facts with your children at home! Year 2 will need to focus on learning: 2x, 5x and 10x tables with the related division facts Plus: 3x and 4x tables as these are useful for fraction work later in the year.


8 English Taught each term through a key text.
This term’s key text is ‘Traction Man is Here’ by Mini Grey. We link our topic work where possible to our text so this term’s topic is Superheroes and we will link this to Florence Nightingale as a real-life hero, look at different materials in Science as Traction Man has lots of different outfits made from different materials etc… Daily grammar and/or Phonics session

9 PE Kit White t-shirt, blue shorts and a dark tracksuit plus trainers
PE this term is on a Monday & Friday. Children need PE kit in every day in case the timetable changes for any reason. Earrings must be taken out for PE, we cannot tape them and we are not allowed to remove them for your child. Long hair tied back –please. Kit White t-shirt, blue shorts and a dark tracksuit plus trainers Forest Schools (separate letter) Come prepared for wet weather!

10 Uniform Reminder that the uniform is now red and grey with red summer dresses, no navy should be worn. Please make sure everything is labelled! Earrings must be taken out for PE, we cannot tape them and we are not allowed to remove them for your child.

11 KS1 Assessments All children in Year 2 will be assessed in May 2020.
Maths Arithmetic Maths Reasoning Reading Comprehension Writing (teacher assessed) English grammar, punctuation and spelling MORE DETAILS TO FOLLOW….

12 Reminders Year 2 are provided with fruit so shouldn’t bring their own.
Most information can be found on OWL organiser and the calendar. Any questions etc… please try and speak to myself or Mrs Birch/Mrs Cooper in the first instance. Children should be in school between 8.30 and 8.45 am. During this time pupils’ get ready for the day and have early work tasks to complete.

13 Thank you for your time, Any questions please feel free to ask.

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