12 Top Issues Educators Face When Implementing SWPBS Donald Kincaid, Ed.D March 4, 2010 Educational Research Newsletter Webinars www.ernweb.com.


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Presentation transcript:

12 Top Issues Educators Face When Implementing SWPBS Donald Kincaid, Ed.D March 4, 2010 Educational Research Newsletter Webinars www.ernweb.com

1. How to Form an Effective Tier 1 Team Require administrator commitment Diverse representation – grade levels, specialists Select members who are talented, committed and respected Problem- solve issues prior to training - Checklist

2. How to Align Tier 1 PBS Team with RtI PBS is RtI for Behavior Develop Core RtI Team that addresses both Behavior and Academics Develop “subcommittees” that address Tiers 1-3 behavior

Staff for School-based Intervention Team *Principal Assistant Principal *RTI Coach *PBS Team Leader Psychologist Counselors Social Workers Other Staff Members Tier 1 Counselor *Academic Coaches ECS, LRS, or CRT, Social Worker, Teacher, other Members Social Worker Behavior Specialist Dean RTI Coach 4 Teachers Tier 3 Academic Coach(es) Parents *Teachers Tier 2 Interventionist(s) Staff Members (Targeted Groups) Academic Team Behavior Team Parent Behavior Specialist/Deans Interventionists Core Team Many different configurations are possible School-based Team (e.g., Data Team, Intervention Support Team, Positive Behavior Support Team) 5 5 5

3. What Data are Needed for Decision-Making at Tier 1 and 2 Tier 1/Universal Coach’s Survey Progress monitoring (TIC, PIC) Outcome data summary (ODR, OSS, ISS, etc.) Benchmarks of Quality, SET Faculty/student school climate surveys ODRs Tier 2/Secondary Classroom Assessment Tool Informal “walk-throughs” Formal observations of classroom Teacher rankings and ratings of students Behavior Progress Report Measuring fidelity of implementation of Tier 2 intervention- Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers (BAT)

4. What Strategies are Effective for Getting Staff Buy-in Share the data Share the time cost of discipline Target one area for change Ideal School

5. The Keys to Developing Effective Expectations and Rules 3-5 expectations per school and rules per setting are enough Expectations should address major behavioral issues Make certain expectations work before you get “cute” You don’t need a rule for every possible behavior

6. How to Develop Reward/Recognition Programs Keep it simple Involve students Consider alternatives to tokens Grade or classroom competitions Recognizing students Behavior bingo Change rewards frequently

7. New Ideas for Teaching Students Expectations/Rules • Drama club demonstrates expectations on school news program. • Power point via morning announcements. • Tying in PBS expectations to curriculum by having school-wide events, Halloween activity- tied to science (students dress as scientist). • Use morning team show for teaching skills. • Word of the month -Children’s writing assignments. • Video taping appropriate behavior • Posters in problem areas/ acronyms/ school mascot name. • Students make behavior announcements. • Bus Driver. • Incorporate specific lessons into- related arts class, student body. • “Miss Manners” on morning news.

8. How to Provide Consequences in PBS Make clear distinction between classroom/minors and office/major referrals Separate reward and consequence systems Provide teachers and administrators with an array and suggestions Consider alternatives to suspension Use your data to check on consistency

9. Bringing School-wide PBS into the Classroom Expectations remain the same- rules change Use data to identify classrooms in crisis Decide how to provide consultation Use existing resources – Classroom consultation guide Assess and address: -Behavioral systems, curriculum, instruction, ecology, etc.

10. Important Steps to Ensure Successful Implementation Develop a clear action plan Schedule team meetings and reward days in beginning of school year Keep it out in front of staff and students Re-train based on data Keep a product book Measure implementation frequently

11. Evaluating Whether the Tier 1 System Works Student outcomes ODRs Suspension/expulsions Attendance Academic Implementation fidelity BOQ, SET PIC, TIC BAT

12. When to Implement Tier 2 Evaluation of Tier 1 System Preparing for Tier 2 – team, existing programs Progress monitoring Identifying students Data-based decision-making Evaluating evidence-based interventions Implementing new interventions

Florida’s Positive Behavior Support Project For more information: Contact: Don Kincaid Phone: (813) 974-7684 Fax: (813) 974-6115 Email: kincaid@fmhi.usf.edu State Website: http://flpbs.fmhi.usf.edu National Website: www.pbis.org