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SWPB Action Planning for District Leadership

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1 SWPB Action Planning for District Leadership
George Sugai OSEP Center on PBIS University of Connecticut February 14, 2008

2 Agenda What does district level systems change look like?
What does SWPBS look like? Readiness & commitment Show SWIS What is required to ensure accurate & sustainable implementation? What would district level coordination?


4 “School-wide, Positive, Behavior, Interventions, Supports”
RATIONALE Why SWPBS? PBS = SWPBS = PBIS “School-wide, Positive, Behavior, Interventions, Supports” = prevention framework, approach, or process for organizing & implementing effective behavioral interventions & systems for all students

5 “141 Days!” Intermediate/senior high school with 880 students reported over 5,100 office discipline referrals in one academic year. Nearly 2/3 of students have received at least one office discipline referral.

6 5,100 referrals = 76,500 min @15 min = 1,275 hrs = 159 days @ 8 hrs

7 2 SWPBS is about…. Improving classroom & school climate
Decreasing reactive management Maximizing academic achievement Improving support for students w/ EBD Integrating academic & behavior initiatives

8 SW-PBS Logic! Successful individual student behavior support is linked to host environments or school climates that are effective, efficient, relevant, & durable (Zins & Ponti, 1990)

9 Implementation Levels
State District School Classroom Student

10 FEATURES What does SWPBS look like?

11 Supporting Social Competence &
Integrated Elements Supporting Social Competence & Academic Achievement 4 OUTCOMES Supporting Decision Making Supporting Staff Behavior DATA SYSTEMS PRACTICES Supporting Student Behavior

12 8 ALL SOME ~5% ~15% ~80% of Students FEW Tertiary Prevention:
Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT FEW ~5% Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior ~15% SOME Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings ALL ~80% of Students 8

13 Designing School-Wide Systems for Student Success
Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures 1-5% 1-5% Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response 5-10% 5-10% Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Universal Interventions All students Preventive, proactive 80-90% Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive 80-90% 10

14 Main Messages STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Good Teaching Behavior Management
Increasing District & State Competency and Capacity Investing in Outcomes, Data, Practices, and Systems

15 RtI 10/27 Response to Intervention IMPLEMENTATION W/ FIDELITY

TERTIARY PREVENTION Function-based support Wraparound/PCP Special Education Audit Identify existing practices by tier Specify outcome for each effort Evaluate implementation accuracy & outcome effectiveness Eliminate/integrate based on outcomes Establish decision rules (RtI) ~5% ~15% SECONDARY PREVENTION Check in/out Targeted social skills instruction Peer-based supports Social skills club PRIMARY PREVENTION Teach & encourage positive SW expectations Proactive SW discipline Effective instruction Parent engagement ~80% of Students

Team GENERAL IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Agreements Data-based Action Plan SAY: In general, the implementation of a school-wide PBS approach at the school level is built around five main implementation steps. Evaluation Implementation

18 SWPBS Subsystems School-wide Classroom Family Non-classroom Student

19 6 School-wide Leadership team Behavior purpose statement
Set of positive expectations & behaviors Procedures for teaching SW & classroom-wide expected behavior Continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behavior Continuum of procedures for discouraging rule violations Procedures for on-going data-based monitoring & evaluation

20 Positive expectations & routines taught & encouraged
Non-classroom Positive expectations & routines taught & encouraged Active supervision by all staff Scan, move, interact Precorrections & reminders Positive reinforcement

21 Classroom Classroom-wide positive expectations taught & encouraged
Teaching classroom routines & cues taught & encouraged Ratio of 6-8 positive to 1 negative adult-student interaction Active supervision Redirections for minor, infrequent behavior errors Frequent precorrections for chronic errors Effective academic instruction & curriculum

22 Individual Student Behavioral competence at school & district levels
Function-based behavior support planning Team- & data-based decision making Comprehensive person-centered planning & wraparound processes Targeted social skills & self-management instruction Individualized instructional & curricular accommodations

23 Family Continuum of positive behavior support for all families
Frequent, regular positive contacts, communications, & acknowledgements Formal & active participation & involvement as equal partner Access to system of integrated school & community resources

24 DW Planning Features What’s needed to support school implementation?

Local Demonstration w/ Fidelity Need, Agreements, Adoption, & Outcomes 1. IMPLEMENTATION PHASES 2. Sustained Capacity, Elaboration, & Replication 4. Systems Adoption, Scaling, & Continuous Regeneration 3.

26 Sample Implementation “Map”
2+ years of school team training Annual “booster” events Coaching/facilitator school & district levels Regular self-assessment & evaluation data On-going preparation of trainers Development of local/district leadership teams Establishment of state/regional leadership & policy team

27 PBS Systems Implementation Logic
Visibility Funding Political Support Leadership Team Active & Integrated Coordination Training Coaching Evaluation Local School Teams/Demonstrations

28 Leadership Team Active Coordination FUNCTIONS Implementation support
Data-based action plan Coordination Capacity building Policy & funding Communications Training capacity Exemplars Evaluation MEMBERS Coordinator Representation Behavioral capacity Agency Parent/family Leadership Etc SAY: One of the most important steps is to establish or identify an existing group of individuals who can lead the establishment of a school-wide PBS approach. This team must be made of school staff who are respected, have effective communication skills and means, and can influence school policy, organization, and operations. An important factor in effective leadership teaming is ensuring that members of the team agree on how they will conduct business (e.g., agenda, problem solving, voting, etc.). The Conducting Leadership Team Meetings Checklist (see Appendix.1) can be used to assess for and establish agreements about how team meetings will be conducted.

29 Identify existing efforts by tier Specify outcome for each effort
CONTINUUM of SWPBS Tertiary Prevention Function-based support Audit Identify existing efforts by tier Specify outcome for each effort Evaluate implementation accuracy & outcome effectiveness Eliminate/integrate based on outcomes Establish decision rules (RtI) ~5% ~15% Secondary Prevention Check in/out Primary Prevention SWPBS ~80% of Students

30 Training Coaching Evaluation Training Coaching Evaluation Continuous
Embedded Team-coordinated Data-based Local expertise Action plan linked Etc…. Training Continuous Local support Data-based Preventive Positive Competent Etc…. Coaching Continuous Question-based Academic & social Efficient Team-coordinated Public Etc…. Evaluation

31 Political Funding Visibility Support Continuous Top 3 priorities
Quarterly/annually Policy Participation Etc…. General fund 3 years of support Integrated Data-based Etc…. Demos & research Multiple formats Multiple audiences Acknow. others Etc….

32 Local School Teams/Demonstrations
Fidelity implementation >80% of staff >80% of students Administrator leadership Team-based Data driven Contextually relevant Teaching focused Integrated initiatives Etc…..

33 Local Implementation Capacity
SUSTAINABLE IMPLEMENTATION & DURABLE RESULTS THROUGH CONTINUOUS REGENERATION Continuous Self-Assessment Relevance Priority Efficacy Fidelity Valued Outcomes Effective Practices Practice Implementation Local Implementation Capacity

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