English: The Journey of the Child
Schemes of Learning: Breakdown The four main pedagogical modes are noted here For each year and in every task, the assessment objectives linked to the exams are noted here. The task and the challenge task is noted here Key vocabulary and concepts are noted here
Schemes of Learning: Examples
Personalised Learning Curriculums KS3 Using our PLCs, pupils can track their learning and progress and highlight their own specific areas for development. Pupils can then click the hyperlinked text that will send them to a website that will help to improve that aspect of their study. KS4
Home Learning Students will study independently for a test on either spelling, punctuation or grammar skills once every two weeks. Additional topic based home learning will also be set by the teacher. The “SPAG” home learning scheme will be provided to students at the start of the academic year. This can be accessed on any iOS or Android device.