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Presentation transcript:

GUIDED PATHWAYS… WHAT’S NEXT? Carrie Roberson- Guided Pathways Task Force Chair, Facilitator Julie Bruno- ASCCC President Kate Williams Browne- Skyline College Chase Fischerhall- Career Ladders Project Laura Hope- Executive Vice Chancellor for Educational Services Welcome (Carrie) Introductions (all)

Guided Pathways


Welcome to the CCC GP Workshop As you get settled, please find the flip chart paper around the room and answer the questions: What do you know about guided pathways? What do you wonder about guided pathways? ** BE PREPARED TO REPORT OUT **

KNOW and WONDER Report Outs Name, discipline and disciplines/departments represented at your table Pick a team superpower: Fly, breathe under water, teleport, read minds, or… ? Highlight one key GP aspect KNOWN by most folks at your table; Highlight one key WONDER or question shared by most folks at your table.

What about faculty? Considerations from Skyline “Say what?” – Realities for FACULTY? Panelists perspectives: SKYLINE COLLEGE *Role of FACULTY and 10+1 *What is sacrificed? What is gained?

What do you stand for? Be the change you want to see. The framework is national but the work is local Build your own bike: don’t reinvent the wheel


Guided Pathways Principles Teaching and Learning Guided Exploration and Progression Academic and Student Support Clear Pathways and Programs

The 10+1 and Guided Pathways Curriculum Student Preparation and Success Educational Programs Degree and Certificate Requirements Clear pathways and programs Guided Exploration and Progress Academic and Student Support Teaching and Learning

ASCCC Resolutions Fall 15 19.12 Support Local Development of Curricular Pathways Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges oppose the intrusion of pathways programs by external organizations that circumvent or undermine faculty purview; and Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges urge local academic senates and colleges to create formal processes and policies that require the local academic senate, in consultation with its curriculum committee, to evaluate and endorse any proposed curricular pathways offered by an external organization before such a program is institutionalized.

ASCCC Resolutions F16 19.03 Investigate Effective Practices for Pathways Programs Resolved, That the Academic Senate of California Community Colleges investigate practices and outcomes, intended and unintended, for faculty and students from various pathway programs across the state; and Resolved, That the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges produce effective practices to assist community colleges that are exploring and implementing pathway models.

Partnerships Partnership with Chancellor’s Office, Career Ladders Project, and Research and Planning Group Ensure faculty participation at the state and local levels Provide professional development and tool development to support faculty

ASCCC Guided Pathways Resources Guided Pathways Task Force Guided Pathways Resource Teams: Local Visits Facilitation Peer Coach Expert Assistance Guided Pathways Liaisons Guided Pathways ASK Educational Policies Task Force

Faculty Involvement and Academic Senate Leadership Academic Senates must take leadership in the effort.  Ensure faculty involvement from all disciplines and expertise. Use governance structure and committees to keep faculty involved and engaged. Advocate to support faculty efforts with time and resources. 

INFORMATION & RESOURCES ASCCC Resolution 9.12 Fall 2015: ASCCC Resolution 9.03 Fall 2016: CCC Guided Pathways Grant Program Trailer Bill Language: CCCCO Guided Pathways: