Hellenistic Culture Chapter 10.4.


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Presentation transcript:

Hellenistic Culture Chapter 10.4

Hellenistic Arts Many philosophers, scientists, poets, and writers moved to Southwest Asia and Egypt. Alexandria, Egypt was a major center of learning

Alexandria’s Library Contained more than 500,000 scrolls

Alexandria’s Museum

Alexandria Today Vital city in Egypt 4 million people live and work there

Hellenistic Buildings Greek architects expanded Alexander’s empire Planned building projects Hellenistic kings wanted to make cities like Athens

Hellenistic Statues Hellenistic kings hired Greek sculptors to create statues for towns and cities Statues showed people in a realistic style Statues looked angry or sad

Hellenistic Writers Appolonius wrote Argonautica often called Jason and the Argonauts Jason and his band sail the seas looking for a ram with a golden fleece

Hellenistic Writers Athens was center for Greek theater Writers produced comedies not tragedies Plays did not poke fun at political leaders Plays told stories of love and retlations

Thinkers and Scientists Athens supports Greek philosophers Tried to answer questions What is a good life? How can people find peace of mind?

Who was Epicurus? Epicurus founded Epicureanism Finding happiness was the goal of life Way to be happy was to avoid pain Spend time with friends Learn not to be upset Limited wants and lived simply

The Stoics Zeno developed Stoicism Claim people guided by emotions live unhappy lives Happiness is a result of using reason Thought people had a duty to serve their community

Science and Mathematics Aristarchus claimed sun was at the center of the universe Eratosthenes concluded earth was round Developed measurement of Earth’s circumference

Greek Scientists and their Contributions Archimedes-science of physics Explained lever and the compound pulley

Greek Scientists and their Contributions Euclid- wrote a book about geometry

Greek Scientists and their Contributions Hipparchus-created a system to explain how planets and stars move

Greek Scientists and their Contributions Hippocrates-Father of Medicine First to write a medical code of good behavior

Greek Scientists and their Contributions Pythagoras-first to establish the principles of geometry Pythagorean theorem

Greece and Rome Four kingdoms from Alexander’s empire shared the Hellenistic culture Kingdoms did not work together Fought wars with one another Macedonia held power over Greece for a time Rome gained control of the Greek mainland