Primary MCQ Course Evaluation September 2010 Mean score, maximum being 5.


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Presentation transcript:

Primary MCQ Course Evaluation September 2010 Mean score, maximum being 5

Mean score represented as bar charts. 1= poor 5= excellent Mean score for each subject is presented as bar graphs Mean score for each subject is presented as bar graphs. Total no. candidates: 34 Mean score, maximum being 5

Day1 :1 st September 2010 Mean score, maximum being 5

Day1 :1 st September 2010 Mean score, maximum being 5

Day 2 :2 nd September 2010 Mean score, maximum being 5

Day 3: 3 rd September 2010 Mean score, maximum being 5

y axis represents number of candidates Overall value of the course 1= waste of money/time, 5 being excellent

y axis represents number of candidates Primary FRCA MCQ Course evaluation 1: very poor 2: poor 3: Satisfactory 4: good 5: excellent

y axis represents number of candidates Primary FRCA MCQ Course evaluation 1: very poor 2: poor 3: Satisfactory 4: good 5: excellent

Primary MCQ Course: Comments Mean score, maximum being 5 Really good course, improved my confidence and I would never have done this many questions alone. Thank you to all the faculty. Dr Ingram was very helpful and answered questions well. Thank you very much! It was a good course, very friendly and well organised, if I pass I will come back for the OSCE course.

Primary MCQ Course: Comments Mean score, maximum being 5 Really good course. Would be really helpful to get accompanying slides. Everybody is really nice. Thank you. Very good but intense course! Good format and excellent explanations from facilitators. Very well organised everyone is friendly and encourages questions.. Very intense course but very useful. Could we have the slides with the explanations, please?

Primary MCQ Course: Comments Mean score, maximum being 5 Much better than Liverpool MCQ better atmosphere, less tiring comparable amount of questions, questions well explained although they were still controversial. Gives good idea how exam looks like. Good facilities - room was far too cold - more selection of sandwiches at lunch - would rather not pay £10 for parking! Key topic handouts would be useful for key difficult topics.

Primary MCQ Course: Comments Mean score, maximum being 5 Overall the course has been very good! Thank you all! I have been on the Mersey course and compared to that this is actually more informative. Good range of questions covering a wide range of topics. Actually cover similar number of question in half the time in Mersey! Much better value for money and excellent explanations for answers. Really good course my head hurts!

Day1: Physilogy1 Mean score, maximum being 5 Clear explanations, good slides. Excellent, confident. Knows the topic very well. Welcomed questions but a bit defensive if we questioned the answers. Good content. Difficult to understand. Aldosterone is not a diuretic! Liked the wide space on the handout, good for taking notes. Clear structured layout.

Day 1:Physics 1 Mean score, maximum being 5 Clear explanations but in a hour or two this is a lot of information. Good slides a little fast. Good, excellent. Good slides, good pace. Really informative. Very useful summaries on topics. Very quick (too fast with lots of information, difficult to digest).

Day1: Physiology 2 Mean score, maximum being 5 Clear your slides please, please explain in more detail. Approachable would have been quicker not to read the questions out first, explanation on the whole were adequate. Found technique of getting to group to give answers for full set of questions before giving correct answers confusing A little bit more explanation would have been useful! Good interaction

Day 1 Physics 2 Good, excellent explanation. Good slides, good pace. Useful summaries but not enough time to copy from the slides. Too fast! Mean score, maximum being 5

Day 1 Primary FRCA MCQs More clear explanations please otherwise very useful. Good. Good explanations. Very good teacher. Very enthusiastic. Good explanation of breathing systems and data interpretation. Focused on keys concepts well. Mean score, maximum being 5

Day 1 Physics 3 Too long! Very good. Different but very long. Excellent. Good topics in revising MCQ, excellent. Good explanations, but would rather have gone through the answers more quickly so we could go home! Really Good. Very through but long time to go through answers. The slides only showed the answers to the questions, but everything was explained so no information was missing. Most clear and concise answers to questions and excellent explanation of complicated concepts. Mean score, maximum being 5

Day 2:Pharmacology 1 Mean score, maximum being 5 Very good - clear and concise. Excellent. Very nice and useful presentation, clear. Unfriendly topic nicely presented. Rather excellent - very good manner. Good. Good presentation.

Day 2:Pharmacology 2 Mean score, maximum being 5 Some answers needed a bit more elaboration, but good content. Excellent. Clear explanations. Rushed through slides. Some useful information gained.

Day 2:Physiology 3 Mean score, maximum being 5 Too fast! Complicated topic addressed far too quickly. Needs to slow down when presenting and explain the answers appropriately. Went through some questions too quickly otherwise very good. Excellent but a bit too fast. Slide show a bit too quick but nice explanations. Very good explanations. Liked the slides: only one question at a time with the explanation, easy to follow. Very quick going through the answers, had to make notes. Very useful but rushed. Good explanations on sides a little fast.

Day 2 Physiology 4 Well presented - good relevant slides. Very good, good teaching technique. Very good, could have done with thorough explanation of cardiac cycle. Very good explanations. Would have liked a bit more explanation but informative none the less, would be good to get the slides to take home. Nice, clear explanations. Very good slides explanations, very helpful. A bit fast, there was not enough time to copy all information from the slides otherwise good content and presentation. Very good. Focused on my issue, Approachable, good. Very clear and helpful. Mean score, maximum being 5

Day 2: Pharmacology 3 and 4 Mean score, maximum being 5 Good but fast. Excellent. Too fast and obviously did not want to be here which was a shame. Very excellent teaching. Clear nice explanations encourages questions. Very funny - really needed cheering up! Information clearly explained, a bit fast though. Very thorough, gave good explanations. We loved his sense of humor! Excellent! The best lectures so far! Good fun! Excellent explanations, entertaining and addressed educational needs. Very good. Brilliant.

Day 3: Physics 4 Mean score, maximum being 5 Very good. Seemed to chose some controversial questions and answers were not really adequate. Good explanation. Really helpful would be great to get a copy of their slides. Very good. Very good. Enthusiastic and helpful.

Day 3: Physiology 5 Good content but sometimes explanations were lacking. Nice slides clear explanations. Very patient and good explanations. Very clear and helpful. Good. Well presented, clear slides. Prepared well to answer our questions! Encouraged us to ask questions, helpful with adding up answers to questions if she didn't know them. Thank you. Mean score, maximum being 5

Day 3: test paper, Pharmacology Mean score, maximum being 5 Good explanations. Too crowded slides, the correct answers should be displayed first, with huge letters. Best method of teaching. Good. A bit fast, but very good. Good and clear. Picked up key points and explained/illustrated clearly. Slides and explanations were useful but rushed.

Day 3: Test paper, Physics Mean score, maximum being 5 Very patient. Would appreciate the slides, very thorough. Very good. Good - explained answers clear slides, learned some new things.