日本研究演習(英語)A Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164)


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日本研究演習(英語)A Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164)
日本研究演習(英語)A Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164)
Ask Have ~ ? / How long ~ ? Answer these questions
Text Encoding.
日本研究 (Japanese Society)
Presentation transcript:

日本研究演習(英語)A Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) cburgess@tsuda.ac.jp / http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess

Contemporary Issues about Japan in the English Media If you haven’t brought 4 photocopies of your English news article, go and do it now! If you were absent last week and didn’t check Tsuda Net (or forgot to bring an article), you will have to use the article I give you.

? (http://www.kanken.or.jp/kanji2018/) http://www.kanken.or.jp/kanji2017/ (http://www.kanken.or.jp/kanji2018/)

Kanji of the year, meaning ‘disaster,’ symbolizes 2018 amid natural and human calamities The kanji sai (災, disaster) was picked as the Chinese character best describing this year’s social mood in Japan, amid a string of natural and man-made calamities The selection came after Japan was buffeted this year by torrential rains in the country’s west and an large earthquake in Hokkaido, heightening public awareness of the importance of disaster prevention measures. Japan was also rocked by man-made calamities such as stolen cryptocurrencies and the uncovering of harassment by coaches in the athletic world.

2008年 政治の変:日本の首相の交代、米国 の次期大統領の「change」(変革) 2009年 新型インフルエンザ が大流行  2009年 新型インフルエンザ が大流行 2010年 記録的な「猛暑」日の連続  2011年 絆(きずな)=bonds/ties between people  2012年 金(きん)=gold medals, Nobel prize etc 2013年 輪(りん・わ)=Olympic bid  2014年 税(ぜい)=Sales tax 2015年 安(あん)=Abe/security, SDF role expanded 2016年 金 (きん)= Olympic medals/scandal 2017年 北 (きた)= North Korean threat http://www.kanken.or.jp/kanji2017 http://www.kanken.or.jp/kanji2017

Contemporary Issues about Japan in the English Media

X X 1 X 4 Q: Why no dictionaries? A: I want you to practice explaining English words using other English, expressions and different words – not simply translating into Japanese. Being forced to explain in English without resorting to translation will improve your communication skills! X 1 X 4

FRONT 1 9 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 8

Introduction: Leader summarises article 3 (or 4) leaders: each leader has 20 (15) minutes to finish the following… Introduction: Leader summarises article Give out article copies to group members 5 minutes reading in silence Clarification: members ask leader questions about parts in the text they don’t understand Questions: Leader asks each member in turn one of the prepared questions (1 person=1 question) No need to write down the answers! Discussion: Leader stimulates (English!) discussion & writes down member opinions Leader hands in article & report sheet. Next! Make groups of 3 (max. 4): no electronic dictionaries!

日本研究演習(英語)A Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) cburgess@tsuda.ac.jp / http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess